Bedford’s Burdick Supplies detailed absentee ballot procedures.

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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER.From Chris Burdick, Bedford Town Supervisor. August 25, 2020:

The three-part reforms include:

  • Absentee ballot requests can be submitted to the Board of Elections immediately. You can access printable request forms here.
  • The concern for contracting Covid-19 can be used as an excuse for voting by absentee ballot as was in June.
  • Lack of a post mark will not invalidate your absentee ballot, and ballots will be counted as long as they are received by November 10.

Additionally Governor Cuomo, by Executive Order, is requiring all local Board of Elections to:

  • Send out a mailing to all voters on or before September 8 regarding deadlines for voters (to register to vote, when an absentee ballot request must be made, and a completed absentee ballot received etc;
  • Adopt a uniform, and simple, envelope in which the absentee ballot will be mailed, including instructions on use of that envelope; and
  • Require all affidavit and absentee ballots be counted by 48 hours after the election.

Many people have voiced concerns about the USPS, and use of secure drop off ballot boxes as an alternative to using the postal service.  Every voter who wishes may drop off an absentee ballot at a ballot box at any early voting site or at the County Board of Elections located at 25 Quarropas St, White Plains.   

In-person Early Voting occurs from October 21 to November 1, and in-person voting  will be on Election Day, November 3.  During Early Voting you may vote at any of the Early Voting sites in the County as a result of new technology.  On Election Day you may vote only at your assigned voting place.  It is likely that the Early Voting sites used for the June primary will remain the same, however the BOE has not issued a final list of those sites.  If you want to vote in person I urge you to take advantage of Early Voting this year. Lines are short to nonexistent and we expect that Election Day will be very busy.   

If you wish to vote using an absentee ballot, we recommend you submit your absentee ballot request form as soon as possible.  Ballots will be mailed out in early October.

If you need to register to vote, you can do so until Friday, October 9.  Registration forms must either be postmarked by October 9, or delivered in person to the County Board of Elections office at 25 Quarropas St., White Plains before the close of business on October 9. Registration can also be done through the DMV, or you can access printable forms here.

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