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WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. From the Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. March 6, 2020:

uring a briefing on the novel coronavirus, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today confirmed 11 additional cases of novel coronavirus, bringing the statewide total to 33 confirmed cases in New York State.

Of the new cases identified since yesterday, eight are located in Westchester County, two are located in Rockland County and one is located in New York City.

Of the 33 total individuals who tested positive for the virus, the geographic breakdown is as follows:

  • Nassau County: 1
  • Rockland County: 2
  • New York City: 4
  • Westchester County: 26

“While the overall risk level of the novel coronavirus in New York remains low, I want New Yorkers to know that I’m not urging calm. I’m urging reality. I’m urging a factual response as opposed to an emotional response,” Governor Cuomo said. “In New York we have the most sophisticated healthcare system on the globe, and we are continuing to prioritize testing, quarantine protocols and containment tracking to keep New Yorkers safe.”

Additionally, the Governor announced that a New York State interagency task force is continuing to coordinate with local governments and healthcare partners to monitor and respond to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Members of the task force include:

  • Linda Lacewell, Department of Financial Services, Superintendent
  • Dr. Howard Zucker, Department of Health, Commissioner
  • Melissa DeRosa, Secretary to the Governor
  • Beth Garvey, Special Counsel
  • Gareth Rhodes, Department of Financial Services, Deputy Superintendent
  • Simonida Subotic, Deputy Secretary for Economic Development
  • Kelly Cummings, Director of State Operations and Infrastructure
  • Michael Kopy, Director of Emergency Management
  • Patrick Murphy, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Commissioner
  • RoAnn Destito, Office of General Services, Commissioner
  • Pat Foye, MTA, Chairman & CEO
  • Rick Cotton, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Executive Director
  • Dan Fuller, Deputy Secretary for Education
  • Sandra Beattie, Division of Budget, Deputy Director

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