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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. From the White Plains City School District. July 15, 2019:
The Board of Education Report Friday announced the School District has reached an agreement with its Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Joseph Ricca for a 5 year extension of his contract. No terms were disclosed.
Dr. Ricca has completed his first two years of his current contract which expires in June 2020. The contract calls for an increase in salary the first year and other incremental increases in subsequent years.
Commenting on Dr. Ricca’s contract, Rosemarie Eller, President of the Board of Education, said,
“We are very pleased to offer Dr. Ricca this five-year contract as a sign of confidence and alsoin an effort to provide stability for the school district.”
Dr.Ricca’s first two years in his position has achieved an upgrade in school security throughout the district 9 schools, has negotiated a contract with the White Plains Teachers Association, and created a capital reserve plan to upgrade White Plains schools without resorting to long term bonds at this time.
In a message sent out today Dr. Ricca reflected on his first two years, writing:
“My second year in White Plains has gone by very quickly (too quickly) and has been an amazing journey. We should all be very proud of the many achievements of our children.
In the academic arena, we are thrilled with the successful introduction of Advanced Earth Science for All eighth graders at the Highlands. We also completed an important review of the social studies curriculum and instituted enhancements to our mathematics curricular plan in addition to the continuation of the Dual Language Program expansion at Church Street School – along with many other accomplishments.
Our students have excelled in music, athletics, the arts and science as well. Just take a look at the district’s Facebook page and I am sure you will agree – the 2018-2019 academic year was amazing!
On the field, our Girls Softball Team was recognized with honors in All-League and All-Section and we had an outstanding, State Championship bowler and a nationally-recognized tennis player among our large group of athletes. New York State Scholar-Athlete recognition went to 490 students this past year.
In June over 500 members of the Class of 2019 received their diplomas, plus more than 300 awards and scholarships. Two will attend service academies – U.S. Naval Academy and Norwich Academy on an army ROTC Scholarship. Many more will attend a wide range of prestigious and highly selective colleges.
As I told the students at graduation, they will remember and think well of their education in the White Plains School for many years to come. Hundreds more students celebrated their milestones at moving-up ceremonies throughout the district. You can view our 122nd WPHS Commencement here: https://youtu.be/rwabQgXVF-A
We must take time out to thank YOU for your support of our schools. Since I came to White Plains I have been inspired with the unyielding enthusiasm and interest of the community in our schools. We want you to know how much we appreciate your participation and partnership in our success. You contribute to the positive and supportive environment provided for the children of White Plains in our schools.
Please enjoy your summer and we’ll see you in September!
As always, you can keep up with us on Facebook (facebook.com/wpschools) and Twitter (@drjosephricca and @wpschools). And of course, I remind you that I am always available for any questions or comments.