If you’re going to be out of town on Primary Day you have 5 days to Apply for your Absentee Ballot.

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Walk into the Board of Elections and pick up an Absentee Ballot Application (shown above), fill it out and hand it in to the friendly Board of Elections clerk and within 10 minutes or less, if you wait, the clerk will return with your absentee ballot for the primary election coming up. They will hand you the absentee ballot below:

You need to fill out and turn in the Application for an absentee ballot by Tuesday June 18 in order to acquire an Absentee Ballot. You must mail or turn in your absentee ballot in person at the Board of Elections, or mail it so it is postmarked one day before the June 25 primary.

If you want to acquire an absentee ballot for a member of the family, relative, or friend who will be away June 25 and is unable to come into the Board of Elections and you want to pick up the Absentee ballot for them, that individual must fill out an application for an absentee ballot, and authorize you to pick it up for them on the application


And while we are on the topic of absentee ballots, if you know of persons who are not registered voters, who want to vote in the November election for Common Council, County elections, you may walk into the Board of Elections on 

25 Quaropas St. White Plains and pick one up.  Or call the Board of Elections at 995-2000, ask for the Board of Elections and press the Registration prompt.

A friendly Board of Elections clerk will take your name and address and mail you the form above to register to vote. To register for the November election this fall when county legislators and judges will be up for election in addition to the White Plains Common Council you must turn in the registration by October 11.

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