The Buchwald Report Albany Agenda 2019: Tax Relief & Election Reform

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WPCNR THE BUCHWALD REPORT. From Assemblyman David Buchwald. January 9, 2019:

The previous Congress passed and the President signed a new tax law at the end of 2017 that punishes New Yorkers by severly limiting tax deductions for state and local taxes (SALT). For many Westchester residents this means a large federal tax hike. I championed efforts in the state legislature to establish charitable donation programs to help fund local governments and school districts, rescuing some of the tax deductions.

 However, as expected, the Internal Revenue Service says it won’t allow them. With my Assembly colleague Amy Paulin and other elected officials, I am challenging that IRS position and our consortium has retained expert legal counsel to assist us. This will be a long fight, but I believe we must take on Washington to protect Westchester families and our local economy.

Early Voting & Election Reforms

ASSEMBLYMAN DAVID BUCHWALD at the WPTV Studios in White Plains New York USA

34 states (plus the District of Columbia) permit early voting in some form, sadly New York is still not one of them. 

I am determined to change this and this fall the Assembly subcommittee I chair on Election Day Operations and Voter Disenfranchisement held a hearing in New York on ways to reform our antiquated election laws.

Elections experts and citizens testifying said early voting and no excuse absentee ballots are a must and I agree.

 I also support holding election primaries for federal and state offices on the same day, saving taxpayers $50 million dollars each election.

I will also introduce legislation on campaign finance reform regarding campaign contributions from vendors doing business with the state.

$7 Million in Bridge NY Funds

I am pleased that Bridge NY Program funds are coming to our area to spare local property taxpayers  the full cost of needed bridge repairs.

 In White Plains $5 million was awarded to the County of Westchester for major repairs to its Main Street bridge over the Bronx River Parkway.

 In the Village of Mount Kisco, $1.913 million in Bridge NY funds will pay for repairs to the Preston Way bridge over Metro-North Railroad.

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