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The Common Council is going to put Citizens to Be Heard on television, possibly as soon as the next Common Council meeting, February 4.
Reacting to a group of citizens some 800 strong on the Citizens to Be Heard Facebook page promoting the televising of the Citizens to Be Heard, (the 30-minute citizen speaksession prelude to regular monthly Common Council meetings that has never been televised since its inception during the Delfino administration over 15 years ago), a consensus of councilmembers agreed to get behind the effort to make “CTBH” a televised part of regular Common Council monthly telecasts.
The legislation drawn up in the last 6 days by the city legal department was discussed during the last 8 minutes of the Common Council meeting.
The Council voted to table the legislation pending Mayor Tom Roach preparing a report on the best practices of televising such public input sessions around the area and in different cities in the state.
The cameras could be rolling during the next Citizens to be Heard session on February 4.
Here is the 8-minute sequence from last night’s Council meeting, where the Mayor explained the legislation; threw his support behind it, as did councilpersons Nadine Hunt-Robinson, Jason Barash, Milagros Lecuona, Dennis Krolian and John Kirkpatrick.