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WPCNR MAIN STREET JOURNAL. From the White Plains Library Foundation. December 15, 2018:

Editor’s Note: The White Plains Library Foundation has launched its annual fund drive. To underscore the new White Plains Library contribution to changing people’s lives through its new facilities and cutting edge technology availability they have printed some comments from citizens who use the new White Plains Library:

Please donate to the Foundation’s annual appeal and help keep the Library welcoming and responsive in the year ahead. Here’s some recent feedback that reflects how community support makes a difference:

“I am homeless and living in a men’s shelter. I had a very important job interview using Skype but nowhere to do it. I came to the library and the wonderful staff made a classroom available for my interview and I got the job!”
“Trove Time (for caregivers with toddlers) is a fantastic program and it’s now part of our morning routine. Please keep it up!”
“Our organization appreciates use of the Community Room. Meeting at the library is convenient and helpful, and the Café is an easy place to reconnect with people after meetings.”

“I recently took your PowerPoint class. The skills I came away with have opened new doors for me. Thank you.”

We’re busier than ever and need your support. Next year, the Library is expected to receive over half a million visitors and circulate nearly 200 items each hour!
Click HERE to donate, today.
Your contribution will support language classes, children’s programs, college and career resources, cultural and civic events, capital improvements, new technology and much more.

“Libraries are the kinds of places where people with different backgrounds, passions and interests can take part in a living democratic culture” sociologist Eric Klinenberg wrote in the New York Times. “They are the kinds of places where the public, private and philanthropic sectors can work together to reach for something higher than the bottom line.”


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