Latimer Touts Liberty Lines 5 Year Deal. Saves County $20 Million

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. From the Westchester County Department of Communications. August 26, 2018:

With dozens of transit workers cheering on, County Executive George Latimer and Liberty Lines announced a new five year partnership that includes $20M in savings to Westchester County taxpayers.

The deal, which runs through 2023, was reached with the County paying $13M less to Liberty Lines and an additional savings of $7M from insurance costs.

The deal also calls for the shifting of insurance providers from AIG to New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal – a not-for-profit entity – all while still providing the same services that thousands of Westchester residents rely on.

Over the term of the contract, Westchester County and Liberty Lines also agree to work together and continue to evaluate the cost of fuel. Any further savings generated from these efforts will be in addition to those already quantified.

Latimer said: “The deal we are approving today will save Westchester County taxpayers $20M over a five year span. When my Administration took office on January 1, we had on the table the willingness to negotiate a new contract.

This negotiation back and forth between the County and the company – which both sides were able to agree upon – has a definite benefit.

We talk a lot about the deficit we are facing in Westchester County, and the government and taxpayers owe a debt of gratitude to Liberty Lines for their flexibility in being willing to help close that gap.”



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