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The bill is financed in large part by almost entirely eliminating deductions of state and local taxes, a bedrock principle underpinning our tax law since its inception. Eliminating this deduction means that New York will effectively serve as a piggy bank to finance tax cuts for other states.
This plan is a sham that does not deliver on the GOP promise to help the middle class. It reflects upside down priorities – it helps the rich and corporations and does nothing to deliver on their false promise to our middle class citizens.
The four members of the republican delegation, who supported the House version of this unfair, unequal and economically devastating plan, betrayed their constituents.
It is now time for New York’s entire Republican delegation to put New Yorkers first, vote the right way and tell their party leadership that they will not allow us to be pawns in a political agenda that inflicts financial pain on Democratic states at the direct expense of the Americans who call them home, all to benefit corporations and the wealthiest among us.