County Executive Announcement on Uber and Lyft not Streamed Live on County Government Website. No live coverage by News 12

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The Westchester County Department of Communications announced a news conference this afternoon at 2:30 in the County Offices, 9th Floor, Michaelian Building, however the announcement that was billed as “a major announcement” on the county policy on the Uber and Lyft app-based ride-sharing services was not available via live video streaming on the Westchester County Government website.

Asked by WPCNR is the new conference was going to be streamed live, a press representative said the video person was not in and they were trying to locate one.

As of 2:30 when the news conference was supposed to begin, it was not available on the county website. At 3 PM, on News 12, there was no update and no live coverage of the event being shown.

WPCNR  has learned that the news conference was televised on Facebook, but there was no indication on the website as of 2 PM that the news conference was being held, or that it could be view on the Westchester Facebook site.





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