White Plains Acting Superintendent on the District Approved Contract with the Teachers and Why it Was Settled in 2 MONTHS

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. Special to WPCNR. June 21, 2017:

Acting Superintendent of Schools for the White Plains City School District, Dr. Howard Smith, (pictured above) asked by WPCNR how the district and the White Plains Teachers Association came together so quickly on this week’s just-approved contract for two years through June 30, 2019, issued this statement on the contract that was teacher approved by a 411 to 60 (87% in favor) Tuesday:

 “This was made possible by a mutual acknowledgement from the beginning that each party had goals with regard to the outcome of the process that were important to them.
The District had concerns about maintaining a sustainable rate of growth in the cost of teacher compensation that was proportional to the limited capacity of the District to generate new revenue under the tax cap.
The teachers association wanted to see a highly competitive increase in their compensation.
Both parties worked together to find a creative way of making sufficient funds available to support a competitive total compensation increase in a manner that moderated the long term sustainability implications for the District.
 It was noteworthy that this round of negotiations coincided with the celebration of the 100th year anniversary for the White Plains Teachers Association.
The resulting agreement honored a long tradition of active partnership between teachers as an organized group of professionals and the school district administration in White Plains.”

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