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WPCNR CAMPAIGN 2017. Special to WPCNR from the White Plains City Democratic Committee with Supplementary Reporting by WPCNR. UPDATED March 1, 2017 4:50 PM EST UPDATE 5:45 P.M. EST:
On the eve of the introduction of three Democrats announcing their intentions to primary the incumbent Democratic Councilpersons (John Martin, Beth Smayda and John Kirkpatrick) expected to run for reelection in November,
Councilwoman Smayda has announced she will not run for reelection, but assures WPCNR she will definitely complete her term, just not run for relection.
Ms. Smayda gave this statement on her new direction to WPCNR when contacted for background on her decision to leave the Council:
“Thank you, John, for your email asking about my decision not to run for re-election to the White Plains Common Council. It has been rewarding to serve with our Mayor, numerous Council colleagues, and a professional and hard-working City staff.
Considerations in my decision are having accomplished much of what I originally set out to do almost eight years ago (particularly in the areas of the City’s financial turnaround and improved managerial practices), increased professional responsibilities, and the opportunity to spend more time with our children who are scattered across the country.”
Ms. Smayda was first elected to the Common Council in 2009, and reelected in 2013.She has served seven years on the council, and is one of three women members of the Council(the other two are Milagros Lecuona and Nadine Hunt-Robinson).