Hartsdale’s Cat Consultant, Lara Morgan Wilde Joins with Cole and Marmalade to get more black cats adopted from shelters.

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Cat Wisdom 101 launches 30-day Kickstarter campaign for a nonprofit anthology of positive black cat stories, a first of its kind, to shift negative perceptions.
WPCNR KITTY NEWS NETWORK. From Layla Morgan Wilde. June 20, 2016:

Hartsdale’s Layla Morgan Wilde, celebrity cat consultant, writer/speaker/advocate and founder of Cat Wisdom 101, is pleased to announce Chris Poole, the king of cat videos (Cole and Marmalade with 88+ million YouTube views) and his black cat, Cole are ready to battle black cat prejudice by contributing to and supporting Black Cats Tell All, a nonprofit anthology on Kickstarter.

The collection of positive, black cat stories (a first of its kind) are narrated from the cats’ perspective. From famous cats to the cat next door, these real cats tell it like it is. Their surprising, myth-busting and entertaining tales aim to shift the perception of black cats and raise shelter adoption rates. Currently, in the U.S. black cats are 50% less likely to be adopted in a shelter setting.

Wilde says, “It’s time for a new perspective. Black cat lives matter and to judge a cat simply by the color of their fur is discrimination. The world is full of fear or ignorance of something or someone different. We fear what we don’t understand. That mysterious unknown gets twisted and embedded culturally, generation after generation. That’s how myths are created, like the superstition that black cats are evil. Black cat lives matter. It’s time to stop the prejudice.”

Additional Black Cats Tell All supporters of note include: Gwen Cooper, NY Times bestselling author of Homer’s Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, or How I Learned about Love and Life with a Blind Wonder Cat. Cooper has written a glowing, book blurb for Black cats Tell All.

Francesco Marciuliano, NY Times bestselling author of I Could Pee On This And Other Poems By Cats, which has sold over a million copies, has offered a one-of-a-kind autographed collectible as a crowdfunder perk.

Scott Metzger, syndicated cartoonist has created unique art work for the campaign and one-of-a-kind perks.

The ultimate goal of Cat Wisdom 101, beyond crowdsourcing funds to publish Black Cats Tell All, is to raise funds for national Black Cat Awareness and Adoption campaigns and to lobby for an official Black Cat holiday.

Cat Wisdom 101 has a fiscal sponsor,The Center For Independent Productions, a 501 (c) (3) making Black Cats Tell All campaign contributions tax deductible to the full extent of U.S. law.

To view VIDEOS from Poole and Wilde, visit the Black Cats Tell All campaign on Kickstarter.

Black Cats Tell All campaign page https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blackcatstellall/black-cats-tell-all
WebSite: http://www.CatWisdom101.com


Chris Poole, a former big cat videographer turned into a full-time cat video producer after a video of Cole went viral in 2012. Since then his cats, YouTube stars Cole and Marmalade have enjoyed educating their millions of fans with humor and pawsitivity.

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