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WPCNR COUNTY LINES. From the Westchester County Association. May 25, 2016:
As millennials and businesses are priced out of New York City, data point to a fascinating trend: The suburbs are rising again! The shift has begun, but a possible stampede could occur in the next five years.
Consider this: NYC is growing by 1,200 people a week, and will soon run out of housing. The implications for Westchester are tremendous.
To get ready, the WCA has formed three task forces to create broadband county-wide, attainable housing, and innovation districts. Bill Cuddy Chairman of the BLUEPRINT for Smart Growth, is overseeing it all. We convened our first meeting of the taskforces last week. It was standing room only!!
Want to Win the Talent War? Try Coffee.
Last week’s Business Intel Breakfast about attracting, retaining, and developing today’s workforce had many surprises. But one of the biggest was that millennials spend more on coffee and food than anything else.
They also value collaborative working spaces, transparency, and bosses who value them. And if millennials (and others) feel their expectations aren’t being met, 22% will leave the company within 45 days of being hired.
But what do employers need?
Employees with people skills or EQ, let alone the ability to pay attention to ROI. “Soft skills are becoming increasingly more important in today’s workplace. Employers feel they can train on the hard skills if a candidate has the requisite soft skills,” said Robin Freedman, Division Director, Robert Half Management Resources
Assemblywoman Amy Paulin dropped by the WCA’s BLUEPRINT for Advocacy meeting last week for a far-ranging discussion about all-things Albany.
Paulin went into detail about the new power regime in the Senate and Assembly and her participation in the “Suburban Caucus,” a group of elected officials representing the region’s suburbs banding together to get things done. Paulin also discussed her new role as Energy Committee Chair, initiatives to reduce pollution, and her desire to keep open Indian Point Energy Center in Westchester.