Emergency Medication Distribution Drill September 30 — 500 Volunteers Needed.

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WPCNR HEALTH ISSUES. From Westchester County District 5 Legislator Benjamin Boykin. September 10, 2015:

The Westchester County Health Department is seeking 500 volunteers to participate in an emergency preparedness drill on Wednesday, Sept. 30 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Westchester County Center.

People of all ages, including parents with young children and people with disabilities, college students and faculty, community groups, seniors, members of faith-based communities, businesses and the public are encouraged to register in advance.No special training or experience is needed. Playing the part of residents, volunteers will walk through a simulated medication distribution exercise and learn which medication they would be given if they had been exposed to anthrax. No actual medicine will be handed out.

The purpose of the drill is to test the emergency response capabilities of the Westchester County Health Department, including the ability to dispense medication quickly and accurately to a large group of people. Holding the exercise is required by the state.

To join, go to http://www.health.ny.gov/Go2Clinic and click on Westchester to register. Don’t forget to print out the free parking pass. If you need help registering, call 914-995-7425. Walk-ins are also welcome. Everything you need to know to participate will be provided to you the day of the exercise.

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