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11-fasnyWPCNR LETTER TICKER. From Marie and Ron Rhodes. May 22, 2015:
Dear Mayor and Common Council:
The citizens who you serve in White Plains have been asking you, our elected officials, for 4+ years. . .to protect our own school children. . .many of whom walk, bike, ride cars or take buses to the 10 existing nursery, elementary and high schools already surrounding our neighborhood. . .from FASNY’s massive additional Traffic of more than 2,000 Vehicle Trips each day that would come into our neighborhood on our country-style streets without sidewalks. . .from communities outside of White Plains.
Now our school children are directly asking you to protect them.
Isn’t it time for more of our elected officials to listen to your own community?
The FASNY Representatives keep saying their plan “has undergone the most intensive and exhaustive study and review of any development in White Plains history”.  That may be. . .but only because the FASNY Representatives and their Enablers on the City Staff keep going back after resident objections. . .and keep making more changes in their own plans.  At some point the FASNY supporters are going to have to realize that what is important is not the volume of pages that is created with all their plan changes. . .what is key are the “solutions” that FASNY Representatives present for the negatives their project brings to the residents of the Southend.
Where are the FASNY “solutions” to the damage their 53-acre building development will bring to the Health, Safety and Character of our community?  What are FASNY’s “solutions” to their. . .10-year Construction, Noise, Pollution, Significant Traffic Increases, Flawed North Street Entrance, the Closure of Hathaway Lane with Increased Emergency Response Times, More Water in Basements, Dumping Carcinogenic Herbicides, Loss of Open Space, Threats to the Environment, Zoning Issues, Declining Property Values and other negatives?
Unfortunately there is not a lot of transparency in our City Government. . .so we do not know what new plan changes the FASNY Representatives are working on right now behind-the-scenes.  Our suggestion for the FASNY Representatives is, if you are working on a new plan, get your plan right for once. . .by using accurate facts. . .being truthful. . .and focusing on “solutions” to address all the negatives your project would bring to our community.
White Plains school children do matter. . .so do seniors and other tax-paying residents. . .and we are all thankful and need our Common Council’s support and protection.
Your Truth Police, Team Rhodes
Marie and Ron Rhodes
 White Plains NY

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