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Alfred DelBello pictured during his term as County Executive in the 1970s

WPCNR MILESTONES. From Westchester County Executive Robert Astorino. May 16, 1015:

Alfred DelBello, the first Democrat elected County Executive in   Westchester County in 1974, succeeding Edwin Michaelian, died at the age of 80 Friday.

Mr. DelBello was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1982 when Mario Cuomo was elected Governor, resigning from that position in 1984.

DelBello  was also a principal of the  well-known law firm specializing in development law, DelBello, Donnellan, Weingarten, Wise and Wiederkehr in White Plains. He was also a leading personality of the Westchester County

The present County Executive, Robert Astorino issued this statement on the death of Alfred Del Bello today:

“It was with great sadness that I learned today of Al’s passing. We were from different parties but we were good friends and I always appreciated his advice and counsel.  Perhaps the greatest advice he shared with me, and something I’ve always adhered to is, always make sure you get home and spend quality time with your family.  The job is hectic but always make time for your family. And today, the thoughts and prayers of my family go out to the DelBello family.”

Mr. DelBello grew up in Yonkers and was Mayor of Yonkers before becoming County Executive.

He was a resident of Lewisboro at the time of his death.

Funeral arrangements are pending.


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