Council Indifference Shatters Her Faith in Government

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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. December 10, 2014:

A resident of Ridgeway writes her opinion of the way the Common Council has reviewing the French American School of New York Project.

Mayor Roach , Common Council,
Another great night last Tuesday. You may as well have taken your vote then. The five of you made your minds up three years ago and have simply been playing us for fools.
We have worked tirelessly all these years providing you with the true facts and yet you turn your backs on the people you took an oath to represent.
In my opinion you want me to vote for you but I do not feel I am being represented nor do you have my best interest at heart. It is a shame.
All I heard from some of you was concern over batting cages , tennis courts and really insignificant matters. You heard  council member Krolian and Lecuona speak about the serious matters such as the school board letter , traffic , the safety issues for White Plains school students and families.
These are the real issues of the Fasny proposed plan and yet they do not seem important to you.
Ms.Hunt Robinson ,  you could not even come up with one question over something so deadly serious as the safety of our children.
Mr. Kirkpatrick , do you remember speaking at the political debate at the Woman’s Club a few years ago when you were running? You said you had good friends who live on Ridgeway and can’t get out of their driveway now. A vote for Fasny will make our lives and thousands even worse.
Mr.Martin , you spoke about Hathaway Lane. Are you good with the closure of this street?
My husband and Howard Hawkins presented the Council with a chart , from Fasny’s own school calendar , showing their year long  activities. They have concerts , adult events , sports events , summer camps , regular school , etc.  There  will not even be 100 days that Hathaway could stay open.
Mayor Roach , you once told me that the Fasny project was almost making you lose sleep. Not to worry , you will have a good nights sleep.
A vote for Fasny is a guarantee that the rest of us will never rest peacefully ever again. I truly wonder how any of you will sleep well after throwing your citizens under the bus.
You have spent all these years speaking to Fasny and providing them with information to accomplish their dream. You have refused to speak to us and to this day you still refuse to meet with us , your citizens. I thought that was your job! Shocking!
Most of the time you do not even acknowledge our emails. Some day maybe we too will know all the Fasny facts.
In the meantime , I ask you to make a fool out of me and vote no to this disaster of a plan. I would gladly accept being wrong. I hate having my faith in people shattered so greatly.

Sharon Gould
Resident of Ridgeway

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