City Sales Tax up less than 1% over a Year ago. County Sales tax on target for a 2.8 % Increase in Sales Tax Collections by Fiscal Year Close

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WPCNR QUILL & EYESHADE. From the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. November 24, 2014:

White Plains City sales tax collections, just out from the New York State Department of Taxation continued modestly up in October retail action in the city, rising three quarters of a percent. Through the first fourth months of the city fiscal year that began in July, the city has earned  $16,652, 414 in sales taxes compared to $16,532,253 in 2013, a gain of .73 per cent.

Westchester County through the first 10 months of its fiscal year is up 2.8% in sales tax collections, $488 Million in 2014 compared to $414 Million. Should the county earn the same sales tax revenue the next two months as it did in November-December 2013, the county will collect $502 Million for 2014, 2.7% more than 2013. If it exceeds Nov-Dec collections by the 3% the county is averaging…the County could collect $504 Million for 2,014.



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