The Panhandling Menace.

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WPCNR THE LETTER TICKER. November 18, 2014: The following letter was received in reponse to the letter highlighting the daily panhandling business going on at Court and Martine Streets. The writer asked their name be withheld due to fear of reprisal.
I read the letter you published regarding panhandlers in the area around DSS.(Department of Social Services, Michaelian Building, White Plains)
1) Do you see a connection with empty stores on Court between Main & Martine and the aggressive panhandling?
2) The “wonderful” fountain area is also full of vagrants whenever I pass through. It is a wonder that Starbucks stays in business!
3) Can the cops take any legal action?  Is begging legal?  When does aggressive begging become illegal? Cetainly public urination is illegal.
4) Why doesn’t CNR do a show, with the people from the BID, to discuss the glut of empty stores (large & small) which seems to get bigger every month.
The Democratic Party rules WP and their monthly meetings rarely exceed 90 minutes.  There are no dissenting voices – the consent agenda makes sure everyone is home by 9:30.
 They don’t seem to be too concerned with empty storefronts or falling Sales Tax…as long as the PA (Department of Parking) keeps netting over $20 million per anum for the City’s coffers.  I guess as long as the bars are full every night on Mamaroneck Ave, the “Renaissance” continues…
I assume my observations must be completly off-base since an unknown Democrat won the recent election against a life-long resident with decades of voluntary public service to WP…by TWENTY percentage points.  I must be crazy. Everything is looking up in WP.
We don’t need no stinkin’ Comprehensive Plan…our twenty year old one is just fine.
Remember, a slow development period is the perfect time to update the Comprehensive Plan.  Reactionary, spot zoning and moratoriums will not get the kob done.
White Plains, NY

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