School Board Votes Thousands in State Property Tax Exemptions for Veterans. Apply by Dec.1 to Assessor for Tax Relief on your 2015-16

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WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. By John F. Bailey. November 11, 2014:

On the night before Armistice Day, Veterans Day, the School Board voted to allow additional property tax exemptions for military veterans of  up to $12,000, an additional $8,000 for combat zone participants, and in addition to the first two property tax reliefs, up  to $40,000 more (multiplied by the equalization rate) if you are a disabled veteran. 

The School Board voted unanimously Monday to allow these exemptions on 2015-2016 School Taxes.

According to the School District the Alternative Veterans’ Exemption is not an automatic exemption. A White Plains Veteran must apply with Lloyd Tasch, the White Plains City Assessor by the taxable status date of December 1 and provide the required proof.

White Plains Veterans are urged to inquire with the Assessors Office to investigate what they need to prove eligible for these exemptions.

If the veteran has not already applied for the exemption and already has one through the Assessors Office, the Application for Exemption must be made by the owner or all the home owners on a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Taxation.

For information, the White Plains City Assessor’s Office may be reached at 422-1223, ask for Lloyd, tell them the CitizeNetReporter sent you.

Fred Seiler, Assistant Superintendent for Business  for the City School District told WPCNR he expect the exemptions would cost the School District $300,000 in tax dollars, and the maximum it would cost an individual taxpayer taking up the dollar slack was $12.

The state will not reimburse the school district for the exemption.

All maximums are subject to be multiplied by the tax equalization rate and the actual amount is whatever is less 



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