2 White Plains Organizations Recognized by ArtsWestchester

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WPCNR PATRON OF THE ARTS.. From ArtsWestchester. March 26, 2014:

Annually, ArtsWestchester bestows Arts Awards upon people and organizations whose outstanding contributions contribute to the cultural life of Westchester.  This year, at a luncheon April 4 at the Tarrytown Marriott, the Westchester County Arts Leadership Association and the Music Therapy Institute of the Music Conservatory of Westchester will be among those recognized.

Music Therapy Institute of the Music Conservatory of Westchester (White Plains) – The institute was founded in 1986 with one classroom and three outreach partners. Today it has grown to become the largest provider of music therapy services in the Westchester region. Along with 32 partner organizations, the Institute now serves 1,900 on-site children and adults who live with disabilities.

Westchester County Arts Leadership Association (White Plains) – ArtsWestchester will present the Sophia Abeles Education Award to this organization for its efforts to advance education in music, art, theater and dance in Westchester’s public schools. The association’s activities promote strong leadership through the professional development opportunities it provides to both senior administrators and teachers. Art specialists throughout the county benefit from the services Westchester County Arts Leadership Association provides and its ongoing efforts to elevate the importance of the arts to K-12 education.


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