Still Have a Gun You Want to Turn In? Here’s How: Go to Poughkeepsie this Weekend or Contact White Plains Police.

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WPCNR POLICE GAZETTE. By John F. Bailey. March 24, 2014:

Several persons asked WPCNR today about our gun buy back coverage of Saturday’s White Plains Gun Buy Back, if guns could be still be turned in.

Yes, because there is a gun buy back in Poughkeepsie.

Persons in the tri-county area can bring guns, rifles, assault weapons to the Poughkeepsie Gun Buy Back the New York Attorney General’s Office is sponsoring Saturday March 29 at 505 Main Street Poughkeepsie, the municipal building and police and fire headquarters there  from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. You will be reimbursed by debit card for your gun (s) no questions asked, no names taken. The gun will be compared against the national ballistics database. For info, call  the Attorney General’s Office (914) 422-8731 ask about the Poughkeepsie Gun Buy Back.

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White Plains Commissioner of Public Safety David Chong (above) said that you can turn in a gun to the White Plains  Department of Public Safety, but you will not be paid for it. Under the following conditions:

The Commissioner told WPCNR how a citizen wishing to turn in a gun to the police can do that:

“As for a gun, we will always accept a unwanted gun.
Unfortunately we cannot pay for it.  The gun will be checked to see if it was involved in any crimes, there is no amnesty for illegally possessed firearms.
 If the firearm is legally possessed or found, or belonged to a family member who cannot safeguard it or is deceased, and is turned in, we will not pursue any charges.
We encourage people to turn in unwanted firearms.  We will actually come to your residence and remove the unwanted firearm for anyone.”
For information on how to do this, call the White Plains Police, 914-422-6111

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