County Board Approves Ryan Release from Future Employment Restrictions by 9-1 Vote

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WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. From the Westchester County Board of Legislators. December 29, 2013. UPDATED December 30, 2013, 1:30 P.M.:

Monday morning the County Board of Legislators  held a special meeting and voted 9 to 1  to exempt outgoing District 5 Legislator Bill Ryan of White Plains from the Code of Ethics Requirement restricting legislators from accepting employment with county agencies or departments they had been involved with while in office for a at least a year.

. Mr. Ryan over the weekend said he has been offered a position as government liaison with the Westchester County Health Care Association for $190,000 a year, (more than triple his current salary, $57,900,  as a legislator.)

In order to take the position, he must be granted a waiver from the county code of ethics which reads:


Future employment.


After the termination of service or employment with the county, no former reporting officer or employee, on his or her own behalf or as an employee, agent or representative of another, may appear before any agency in relation to any contract, case, proceeding or application in connection with which he or she personally rendered substantial services during the period of his or her service to or employment by such agency; nor shall any such former reporting officer or employee appear before any such agency in connection with any other matter for a period of one year following such termination.


No paid reporting officer or employee shall accept present or future employment, within one year following termination of county service, with any person, firm or corporation which furnished goods or services to the county during such person’s service to the county unless such potential employment is disclosed to the Board of Legislators before being accepted by the officer or employee and is approved prospectively by such board.


A reporting officer or employee shall disclose in writing to an immediate supervisor any offer of employment received by such person from any person, firm or corporation which, to the knowledge of such officer or employee, is furnishing or seeking to furnish goods or services to the county, whether or not such offer is verbal or written and whether or not it is accepted.

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