8.8 Million More Visited NY IN 2013

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WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. From the Governor’s Press Office. (EDITED) December 17, 2013:
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Monday released an end of the year progress report on the State’s tourism initiatives showing that the number of visitors to New York increased by 8.8 million this year. In addition, the industry is projected to generate $7.7 billion in state and local taxes with direct spending expected to reach $61.3 billion. The industry is also projected to add 24,800 jobs by the end of the year.

The Governor held a cabinet meeting Monday, where Cristyne Nicholas, Chair of the Governor’s Tourism Advisory Council, gave a presentation on the impressive results being delivered by the state’s efforts to attract more visitors to the state, grow the tourism industry and create jobs.

In the last year, New York’s tourism industry has grown in revenue, job creation, the number of visitors, and hotel occupancy

:· In 2013, the tourism industry is projected to generate $7.7 billion in state and local taxes. Direct spending is projected to reach $61.3 billion, an increase of 7 percent since 2012. Based on Department of Labor figures, this is enough to pay the salary of every firefighter and police officer in New York State.
· Since December 2012, Leisure & Hospitality employment is expected to add 24,800 jobs for a total of 818,700 jobs by the end of 2013, a 3.1% increase.
· The number of visitors to New York in 2013 will increase by 8.8 million, a 4.2% increase since 2012. By the end of the year, the total number of visitors is projected to be 218,800,000.
· In 2013, New York’s hotels will sell 43 million rooms with associated $8.3 billion hotel room revenue. As of October 2013, New York’s hotel occupancy rate is 73.7% which is almost 10% higher than the national rate. 


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