St. Mary’s Lake to Liberty Park in 300 Years

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WPCNR White Plains Gazette. By John F. Bailey. Expanded Park Coverage & History. November 2, 2002: Tuesday, October 29, the City of White Plains acquired the largest parcel of public land in its history, when Mayor Joseph Delfino and County Executive Andy Spano signed a 30-year, $1 a year lease turning Silver Lake and its western shore over to the city for a passive park.

COUNCIL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE TOURS SILVER LAKE: Under the steady oarsmanship of Department of Recreation & Parks boatswains, White Plains Common Councilpersons Robert Greer, Tom Roach, Rita Malmud, Glen Hockley, and Benjamin Boykin realized the potential of White Plains’s new park for peace, tranquility and quality of life for White Plains Tuesday.
Photo by WPCNR News

Expeditionary Mayor’s Regatta Introduces Lake’s Potential as a Park & Elixir

The Common Councilpersons, Commissioners and assorted media types taking the “Mayor’s Regatta Tour” of Silver Lake Tuesday in a dozen Westchester County rowboats participated in perhaps the most unique staged media event in White Plains history since the Battle of White Plains.

SCOUTING HARRISON: Councilpersons Glen Hockley and Benjamin Boykin with the backdrop of “Harrison Beach” in the background Tuesday. The tranquility and recreational possibilities of Silver Lake were showcased to the council.
Photo by WPCNR News

They were joined by County Legislator Bill Ryan and Paul Gallay of the New York Public Land Trust, and Planning Commissioners Susan Habel and Rod Johnson, and assorted media, including News 12,, The Journal News and WPCNR.

What the media, council and dignataries discovered was the lake and its western shore now present White Plains a diversity of recreational and spiritual pursuits that the landlocked, hilly highly touted topography of New York Presbyterian Hospital does not.

Eighteen years of aggressive distrust appears to have lost New York Presbyterian Hospital property forever. In less than ten months, the city, the Woodcrest neighborhood and county have reached an accord through reason, compromise and need that brings a new dimension of park experience to White Plains in Silver Lake.

The County Executive, the Mayor, and five White Plains Councilpersons in bobbing aluminum crafts supplied by Westchester County, glided leisurely on the shimmering lacquer surface of the lake, marveling at the red-gold swatch of autumnal arbors, acted like kids on their first boat ride (in a statesmanlike manner, of course).
Photo by WPCNR News

The magic elixir of a body of water to soothe cares, invigorate spirits, and make you feel young and foolish again, cast its spell, a state-of-mind that persons old and young will enjoy come next Spring.

Commissioner’s Hopes

St. Mary’s Lake, one of the region’s first industrial sites in 1726 as a grain-milling operation, has become if not the “Central Park of White Plains,” a park that is real and a “Waterfront Park. ” It offers White Plains a diversity of recreational, social and education advantages, according to White Plans Commissioner of Recreation and Parks.

Arne Abramowitz, is a man who knows about how to design and administrate a park with a body of water. He used to run Flushing Meadow Park. The Commissioner envisioned kayak lessons, rowing boats, fishing, environmental classes for local schools, and picnic groves, as just some of what the Mayor described would be “passive” uses of the park.

Affordable Housing and Recreation and Neighborhood Preservation “Working Together for Westchester Families”

THE GENERALS OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY, County Executive Andy Spano and White Plains Mayor Joseph Delfino, sign the 30-year lease for the county’s Silver Lake property Tuesday.

Photo by WPCNR News

In a show of successful negotiation and compromise, Westchester County under the leadership of Andy Spano and the City of White Plains’ Mayor Joseph Delfino, found a way for the county and city to meet two priorities for the price of one. The county will build “affordable housing” on Lake Street, by purchasing the Pettinicchi property on Lake Street for approximately $1 million.

The city reached accommodation with the county where county, city and citizens “win” in a $1-a-year 30-year lease of county land on the shores of St. Mary’s Lake where White Plains will maintain and upgrade the shores and lake for the pleasure of city and county residents.

Steering Committees to be Assembled.

Two committees will be formed. One will plan “Liberty Park’s” recreational uses and the other will decide on the appropriate memorial to the White Plains residents who died at the World Trade Center.

“LIBERTY PARK” TO REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 11 VICTIMS: Mayor Delfino, right, shaking Andy Spano’s hand as they unvieled a sign, proclaiming “Future Site of Liberty Park.” The mission of the new park will be to commemorate the victims of the World Trade Center Attacks. An “approprate memorial” will be built honoring the 5 White Plains citizens who died that day: Marisa DiNardo, Joe Riverso, Gregory Rodriques, Linda Sheehan and Marisa Schorpp.

Photo by WPCNR News

History of the City’s New Shining Jewel: Lake was industrial hub in colonial times.

According to a history of St. Mary’s Lake, distributed by the city and compiled by (Ann McPherson of the City Clerk’s office) at Tuesday’s news conference, John Harrison purchased “Harycons Pattne” (Harrison’s Patent) from the Indians in 1695.

Elaine Massena, Principal Archivest of the Westchester County Records and Archives Center in Elmford reports that Place Names of Westchester County by Richard Lederer recounts, “The 1696 patent to Harrison and 4 others called for yearly rent of 20 shillings on the Feast Day of the Annunciation of our Blessed Virgin Mary.” Hence, the name, St. Mary’s Lake.

The original mill was at the Lake Street end, where the lake turns into a stream.

Traditionally, an industrial site.

The City Clerk’s office reports in its history of the lake, that the right to dam a stream and build a mill to grind grains along the side of Silver Lake was obtained by Benjamin Brundage in 1726, and was transferred from Brundage to John Walton, to Daniel Brundage, to Eleazer Yeoman who constructed and ran the mill, who passed it on to John Horton. “Horton’s Mill” was up and grinding grain before 1744, when the lake became known as “Horton’s Pond.”

Fortified during the Revolutionary War 226 years ago.

The lake was seen as a strategic area during the Battle of White Plains in October, 1776. Breastworks were constructed on the hillsides at different elevations.

Once there was ice and state’s first health center.

Mayor Delfino’s memories of iceskating on Silver Lake in the1930s, testified to how cold winters in the northeast once were. Deutermann founded a different business upon taking over the mill: ice. He cut and stored slabs of ice cut from the Lake in a huge ice house which stood on the lake front. The Red Cross established the first Health Center in New York at St. Mary’s Lake in 1917, during World War I.

The Lake in the 20th Century.

In 1923, the iceman sold the property. The lakefront passed to NY Interurban Water Company, which sold it to Westchester Joint Water Works. Two private citizens, Basil Filardi and Anthony Grillo owned it next, until it was sold to its final industrial tenant, Public Milk Company in 1956.

Public Milk Company Purchased Fought by Park Activists who fought for a park in the 1950s

In echoes of today’s New York Presbyterian Hospital Article 78 action, Public Milk Company, according to the White Plains City Clerk, “petitioned for a zoning change, which, despite public opposition that it should be reserved for park purposes only, was granted in 1956.” Dellwood Dairy operated a distribution facility on the property, and sold it in 1990 to Westchester County.

1.9 acres of land and shore, 21.8 acres of St. Mary’s Lake

The site that will be transformed by the spring into Liberty Park, a memorial to those killed in the World Trade Center attacks, features a rocky tree-lined shore, and a 75 foot square wooded island at the northern end of the lake.

SILVER LAKE PILOT, Lonnie Sanders of the Department of Recreation Parks described the lake as 20 feet deep in its murkier depths.
Photo by WPCNR

Sanders said the lake is deeper on its western White Plains side, with sandbars extending out from the eastern Harrison shore.He observed from his shakedown cruise prior to Tuesday, that the lake has a moderate current at all times flowing North to South. He says the lake can get choppy. In the morning Tuesday, he said there was such a chop on the water they would not have been able to hold the tour had the Northerlies not calmed.

Fishing is good.

Sanders reported that the lake had a thriving fish population, with large bass sighted. Arne Abramowitz, Recreation and Parks Commissioner said about a 5-pound pass had been sighted when the temporary “yacht landing” was being but in place for the exploratory rowboat tour conducted yesterday.

A fisherman interviewed by WPCNR recently testified that the lake was a thriving natural resource, saying that not only bass, but bluegills and trout were there for the taking. A New York State Fishing License is required to try your fisherman’s luck in Silver Lake.

Prior to yesterday’s ceremony, the Department of Public Works and the Department of Recreation & Parks executed a preliminary upgrading of the park entrance, cutting back the wild ramble of field grass and thick trees that blocked unimpeded access to the western shore.

CITY TASK FORCE: The event was produced by Special Events Coordinator Rick Amaratto (in black jacket, on stairs) of the Mayor’s Office. It was executed flawlessly by the White Plains Department of Recreation and Parks personnel. Park workers manned the touring vessels, built the boarding stairs and cleared the staging area. Here, Amaratto and parks personnel waited to receive dignataries as they disembarked Tuesday, prior to the news conference.
Photo by WPCNR

RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE HEAD, Councilperson Rita Malmud returns from Council’s Expeditionary Cruise.
Photo by WPCNR

The Lake has come a long way, baby.

Silver Lake’s sorry state of overgrowth, litter, and a home for vagrants was first dramatized last spring when Councilman William King, a lone crusader, held two clean-ups to put into perspective how Silver Lake’s open space was being neglected and was inexplicably not available for use by county or city.

COUNCILMAN BILL KING EXPOSED SILVER LAKE FATE: Here, he is seen last March 2, retrieving litter and refuse from the lake’s waters. It was the first of two clean-up expeditions Mr. King led. He and his daughter’s Girl Scout Troop helped fill over 30 bags of litter retrieved from the lake and overgrown grounds. Mr. King could not attend Tuesday’s regatta.
Photo by WPCNR News

Had he been able to be present, Mr. King would have noted and been pleased with the refreshing absence of litter that he personally had drawn attention to earlier this spring as a compelling reason for the county and city to take a greater role in maintaining the park.

Mr. King’s donning of waders along with two other citizens to clean up the garbage strewn on the lake’s shores that symbolized how neglected the lake had become.

Silver Lake, good old St. Mary’s Lake has finally been welcomed into the White Plains family.

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Tigers Ease Past Carmel, 15-13, Earn a Consolation Bowl Bid.

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WPCNR Press Box. November 2, 2002: The White Plains Tigers beat Carmel last night behind two Spencer Ridenhour touchdowns, 15-13. Though Carmel threatened in the final period, White Plains held on to win in a murky, cold, breezy evening in Carmel. The Tigers record improved to 5-4 with a berth in another bowlgame earned. One of Ridenhour’s two touchdowns came on a 58-yard run.

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This Limo-Man Might Give You a Ticket to Film Stardom.

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WPCNR White Plains Variety. By John F. Bailey. November 1, 2002: Attention good-looking women and leading men: looking for that big break to get in the movies? Next time he drives you to the airport, Jimmy Hollywood may give you a shot at the big-time.

JIMMY MORRICONE’S FILM CREW ON LOCATION ON LAFAYETTE AVENUE IN WHITE PLAINS on October 13. Carla Fulco emerges with Jeff Koutril of White Plains, as a doctor from an office building The Marquis next to Bob Buchanan’s Photo Studio in the local movie, InterVention, planned for release by summer. A sold-out party for his “Hollywood East Angels” takes place tonight at Juliano’s in New Rochelle, one of the ways he is self-financing the film. Jimmy says he is so touched by the support he has received.
Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

What’s it like directing producing and acting in your own movie? “Jimmy Hollywood,” better known in White Plains as Jimmy Morricone, says “When you’re an actor in Hollywood, you’re sitting in a trailer reading your lines, getting into character, eating a catered spread from Le Cirque, and they call you when they’re ready for you on the set.”

JIMMY HOLLYWOOD IN HIS WHITE PLAINS HOME TALKS PICTURES: “When I’m shooting a scene at Lafayette Avenue in White Plains (last month), I’m behind the camera, working the grip, the lights, and in the next scene, I have to be ready to play Frank. It’s very stressful.”Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

Tonight, Morricone hosts his second sold-out fundraiser for his and Anton Evangelista’s new movie at Juliano’s on Main Street in New Rochelle. A crowd of 250 White Plains/ Westchester and cast friends are paying $75 apiece to support his movie and enjoy old-time rock and roll with The Inkspots.

That’s the life of the independent film producer with a dream, a dream that is 70% completed. With the proceeds from Friday’s glitzy bash, he will have paid for the photography portion of the production. Tonight, his “Hollywood East Angels” will get to see key “rushes,” scenes from in his “movie-in-progress,” InterVention to attract some new investors. Got an extra $50 Grand you want to grow into millions? Give Jimmy a call. He is offering $5,000 pieces of the film, and you cannot get a better deal in Hollywood. His number is 914-972-6709. Have your people call his people. Next stop the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Comprehensive Films is a dream.

Jimmy Morricone, Executive Producer of Comprehensive Films, Armonk, has been chasing this dream since 1994 when his short film, Beyond Reason made and written by Anton Evangelista was showcased at the Independent Feature Film Market and at Robert DeNiro’s Tribeca Film Festival and attracted wide attention.

Ever since Jimmie has been working to make his movie based on that short film. This summer he began shooting “The Film Noir for the 21st century, “InterVention”

SO I’M HOLDING THIS CASTING CALL AND CATHERINE DENEUVE WALKS IN: Intervention stars Carla Fulco, the daughter of Mary Fulco, the popular waitress at Magnotta’s Restaurant. She read at the casting call at the White Plains YWCA based on her Mom’s tip. She won the lead based on her “improv.” She’s shown here at Bob Buchanan’s studio at a WPCNR interview.
Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

The good news is that the film is now 75% “in the can,” and Jimmie is looking for just a “few good investors” to finish the work.

Everybody’s heard the story about the man who drives a cab trying to sell a script to a big-time director? Well in White Plains, when Jimmie Marricone is driving you to the airport, he just might give you a part in his next movie, if he likes your charisma. Jimmie runs a limousine service by night, and is a movie producer, actor and director in reality.

Making a Film Like Robert Moses Made Bridges: A Little Bit at a Time

Morricone is financing his film in a unique way, disdaining the usual “negative pickup” procedure, where a film concept is sold to a studio before it is made. Instead, Morricone is acquiring the financing as he goes, offering pieces of the movie at $5,000 a pop to persons wanting a share of future profits, an unorthodox way of promoting a movie.

His plan is to shoot the film and present it directly to distributors. But, unlike the typical movie which acquires all the financing first, Morricone is shooting as he goes, financing “the shoots” the way a politician pays for a campaign: with “Preview Parties” showcasing the “film so far” for potential backers. He expects the film to cost $200,000, and so far his “shoot-by-the-dollar” procedure is working.

He is using actors and actresses who are acting in a movie for the first time, including the daughter of the popular longtime waitress at Magnotta’s Restaurant, in White Plains Mary Fulco. Carla Fulco is cast as Susan the female lead in a drama about two Italian families in The Bronx in the 1960s.

The film mixes in elements of crime, infidelity, depression, broken dreams, and shattered dreams, in a script recalling that of Niagara, The Postman Always Rings Twice, with a little bit of Pulp Fiction thrown in. There are lots of vintage cars, familiar scenes around Queens and The Bronx. Marricone is attempting to recreate the feel of the family pressures, the everyday life in the so-called age of innocence, the early 1960s, the way it was growing up, raising a family in The Bronx. He calls it a “Bronx Love Story” with underworld overtones, or “Highway to Heaven meets the Twilight Zone.”

100 LOCAL PERSONS WORKING FOR LOVE NOW, MONEY LATER: Lorraine Kroutil(right) of White Plains is handling costumes and props. She’s shown at Bob Buchanan’s Photography preparing the costume of BronxTalk Hostess, Jane Folloro of Yonkers, making her acting debut in InterVention, for a scene on Lafayette Avenue. Lorraine’s husband, Jeff is an extra in the film, that’s all about growing up Italian in The Bronx in the 1960s, chopshops, maltshops, T-Birds and Mustangs, just slightly on the other side of the law.
Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

When WPCNR interviewed Jimmie in September, he had 30 scenes done and 109 more to shoot, and now has completed about 40 more scenes, all the major ones. Using persons who have not acted before, Morricone has been training them, rehearsing them and then shooting the scenes. Bob Buchanan’s Studio on Lafayette Avenue in White Plains has been the new “White Plains Actor’s Studio.”

Morricone held auditions for the casting at the White Plains YWCA, and that’s how Carla Fulco, Mary’s daughter heard of the film. Carla’s Mom Mary who worked at the YWCA noticed the open call auditions and told her about it. Carla said she just decided “just to try it.”

Morricone found she was “a natural.”

Stars Are Born?

JIMMY HOLLYWOOD FLANKED BY HIS STARS, JOE DEVITO, RIGHT, AND MS. FULCO talked with WPCNR about how they were cast and acting together.
Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

“They had me go in August (2001) and say my name, where I was from, a little about myself on camera,” Ms. Fulco recalls. “Then they didn’t bring me back. They stopped everything after September 11. They brought me back a couple of months later to read some lines from the script.”

IS BRANDO BACK? Joe DeVito, playing Ms. Fulco’s husband in the film changed his looks and build to get the part.
Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

Joe DeVito, an accountant by day, actually raised in The Bronx, plays Carla’s husband. He said he sent in his picture to Jimmie’s ad in Backstage, not knowing it was Morricone’s film. He had known Morricone previously. “I came up and read. He liked what I did.”

“We knew what we wanted in the girl lead part,” Morricone said, talking about how he decided to pair the two. We had a type cast in our mind. We saw a lot of different people for the (Carla’s) part. It took Anton Evangelista (Director/Writer) and me a long time to make up our minds for Carla’s role and Joe’s role. We took a long time stretching it out. At first Joe I felt wasn’t right for the part, but he convinced me.”

DeVito Transforms Himself.

“I worked on it, I knew what he wanted, I asked Jimmie, because I know I can give him what he wants, tell me what he wants. He told me. Actually I had a real short haircut, was really bulked up. I had to make a transition.”

Morricone recalled, “I said to him when he came to me the second time, I brought him to my house. I said, Joe, you’re a good actor, I think you can do a good job, but you can’t transform yourself into my son, if you remain the scary tough guy I perceive you to be, then I can’t give you the part. So, he came back for another interview, and had totally transformed himself. And, I recognized it immediately. I gave him the part.”

While Joe had done acting in high school, Carla has never acted before:

“It’s strange because I always thought of it But I just never went ahead, never pushed to do it. I’m outgoing, always doing crazy things. It doesn’t bother me in front of people, lights, talent shows, plays. When my mother told me about the open casting I wasn’t even nervous about going. Even the day I read, like I just read it as written, and did improv with James, like he was my dad and I was his daughter.”

Improv by the Ingénue Clinches the Part.

“I wanted to see how easy it would be for her to improv me as her father. She responded and responded very good. I sensed something that she was able to, no hesitation, she just interacted really well, whatever I said, she had something to say back to me. It went better than even the read. That kind of made me say to myself, the girl’s got something.”

Next, Carla read with a few different people.

“Once we decided we were pretty sure we were going to use Carla for the part of Susan we started to let her read with the different actors who came in to play her husband.”

Carla said she had nothing to say about who would play her husband in the film. But, Joe and Carla in the parts had chemistry together in their readings together, she said she just made comments to Jimmie and Anton, the director, but she liked reading with Joe.

A SCENE FROM INTERVENTION with Carla Fulco in an emotional scene with her parents in the film.
Photo Duplicated with Permission

“I know I felt very comfortable with him (Joe DeVito).The first time I read with him, he got me like really emotional. I was very upset. I had a difference when I read with him than all the other guys. It was just something, whatever it was.”
Morricone noticed that spark: “It kind of like popped. We asked her, Anton and I, how did you feel with him? She said she felt the best of everyone. We together, Anton, myself and Carla really made that decision as to who we were going to use. Once she said “him,” then we knew we were right.”

Joe said at the time, he still wasn’t sure he had impressed producer and director enough. He said he knew the two had “chemistry” and Carla and he “were giving them some good stuff.”

Rehearsing and Setting up Scenes

DIRECTOR-WRITER ANTON EVANGELISTA BLOCKS OUT A SCENE ON LAFAYETTE AVENUE with Ms. Fulco. Evangelista is a quiet, patient, meticulous craftsman who believes in preparation.
Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

“Anton (writer/director) had many rehearsals,” Carla recalls, at Bob Buchanan’s Photo Studio on Lafayette Street, White Plains before beginning shooting. “He’d give us acting exercises to do.”

“Four months of intense rehearsal, sometimes twice a week,” was the schedule, Morricone said, “Three hours. We’d come here about 7, and leave about 11 sometimes with the principle cast. We’d then have run-throughs at various locations to emulate the actual arrangement of the kitchen, the living room, so that we could run-through the actual steps that everyone was going to take so we all hit our marks when it was time to shoot the scene.”

Morricone said the average scene took six takes to shoot.

“They also started taping a few of our rehearsals,” Carla added.

“Anton followed what Fellini used to do years ago. He would do a preliminary shoot before the actual shoot. What Anton was doing was running test shots in the actual location. We went to an apartment in Park Chester (The Bronx, naturally), and ran a test shot of an actual scene between Joe and Carla in Park Chester, and that was only for fun, to go back and look at it, study and analyze to see what we could do to make it better. That only comes with having the luxury of the digital format, digital video. You could not do that with film. Today we have the luxury of a camcorder, and come back and do the real McCoy the next time.”

WPCNR asked how actors stayed emotionally on pitch when scenes were shot out of sequence, unlike a play.

Joe said, “I think that goes back to rehearsals. There were multiple rehearsals. Constant. So many scenes stuck in your head. It’s like (snapping his fingers) dredging back on a memory, you know.”

JOE DEVITO AT THE WHEEL WITH A FRIEND in a scene from InterVention. The Car is a vintage Buick Biscayne from 1960 one of many classics in the film.
Photo Duplicated with permission

WPCNR asked Carla if making a movie was more work than she expected.

The ingénue replied, “It’s a lot of work. Long hours. I enjoy it. It’s a lot of fun.”
Asked if she liked playing a dramatic role instead of a comedy part, Carla added, “I’ve always seen myself to be very funny, more of a comedy thing, but I like this (InterVention) a lot. I enjoy it. I think I can do something in comedy if I can do InterVention, it’s a lot harder.”

Do Leads Fall for Each Other?

Joe DeVito quickly said, “That came and went.”

Carla laughed and, “We’re just part of the deal. You do get close to him when you first meet him, but you work with them, and you’re spending all your time with them. But it’s that way with the whole cast. Everyone is a family. I really am so close with them.”

Morricone mused on the question, “It’s something that happens in the process of making a film that the actors develop an affinity, as you said for each other. They look at each other as family. Something happens.”

Joe became more candid, “Carla and I were attracted to each other when we first met. We liked each other and whatever, but I guess that died out. But, that’s cool. But that’s like the way it is.”

Chemistry’s there. Then it’s not.

Morricone, an actor with 18 film credits, 10 television shows, and 4 commercials in his journeys, delved into the mystery of chemistry:

“It happens a lot. But, it’s kind of like not real. At some point in time when this (InterVention) is all over, people are just going to back to what they are doing. It’s going to be sad. You literally go home and cry about it.”

“I don’t think I’d have been able to have a relationship with Joe,” Carla said, in view of the filming process. “Like it would have been different.”

“I told them,” Morricone revealed, “they can both attest to this. I said I know this business. Don’t get confused. Don’t get involved.”

“I wouldn’t want to be involved with somebody in this business,” Joe said.

“You know what, you learn it for yourself as you get to do what you’re doing as a family to create the film. You learn it’s not going to work. That’s why a lot of actresses and actors they come together, marry and divorce five or six times. I don’t know why they don’t learn,” Morricone concluded on the sensitive topic of chemistry.

A movie about temptation and redemption

Morricone says InterVention has a good ending. It deals with family pressures that can drive couples apart, professional and outside-the-law activities that pressurize a relationship, and temptations of other men and other women. All the things that many persons face in reality. How Carla and Joe, as Susan and Paul deal with those pressures with a strange “Intervener,” draws you into the film.

Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

Some kind of bond is necessary between the leads.

We asked how her co-lead, Joe, helped her bring out those character swings: “That’s why even the beginning when we first met, I wanted to get to know him and get close to him to know what kind of personality he was so when I do have to act with him I know him as a person so it’s more comfortable. They even said try and hang out with the person. Anton even said, try to get to know one another and know how each other is, because in the film we’re the starring roles and supposed to be married, so you should have somewhat of a bond to be able to act together.”

MS. FULCO ON HER FIRST ACTING ROLE: Asked about playing a character that is faced with an immoral choice, Carla said she welcomed the challenge, and had no problem with it: “I like having all the different emotions and having to change your thoughts and the way you act. I get into what I have to do whether I agree with it or not.”
Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

Joe said, he saw some of himself in his character Paul. “ I just want to do good work in this film and see what Hollywood says.”

“For both Carla and Joe, it’s a great opportunity to get out there,” Morricone noted. “It’s a big challenge considering the kind of films being made today. I know why Joe wanted this film. The typecast syndrome. You look like a cop. You look like a gangster, so everytime you walk in the door…Oh, you’re a gangster.”

Joe said, “I was always cast as a gangster, so I definitely wanted something different.”

Carla said she is much like the character she plays in the film: “I’m very much like the character Susan, the way she is emotionally and with family. I mean not the way she is in the film, dysfunctional. I very much take care of my family. That’s me, I’m very emotional very much like her, having to go see my family if someone is ill.”

Mary Fulco, her mom, will be pleased to hear that.

Carla/Joe Bond brings out the best

We asked how her co-lead, Joe, helped her bring out those character swings: “That’s why even in the beginning when we first met, I wanted to get to know him and get close to him to know what kind of personality he was so when I do have to act with him I know him as a person so it’s more comfortable. They even said try and hang out with the person. Anton even said, try to get to know one another and know how each other is, because in the film we’re the starring roles and we’re supposed to be married, so you should somewhat have a bond to be able to act together.”

Morricone observed, “The fact that they learn a lot about each other, and come together at some point in time prior to the actual filming, then maybe the relationship deteriorates and becomes something else, it works, for the film. Anton and I had a lot of discussions about Carla and Joe and letting them get to know one another because when they learned about each other, that’s o.k. And if that liking each other turns to disliking each other, that’s even better.”

“So now you’ve got a really good movie,” Carla quipped, and the laughter started between all three.

“We’ve got a good movie, because two people who liked each other, now hate each other,” Morricone laughed.

“I have a love for Carla and Joe. It’s something that just happens to you in the process of acting out this whole family thing. They’ll stay with me forever. I’m sure that none of us are going to walk away after having done this film and say it never happened. We’re going to miss the people. It’s going to be very strange.”

But they may be back together again in Intervention II.

Photo by WPCNR Entertainment

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WPCNR PRESS BOX. From White Plains Little League. November 1, 2003: The White Plains Little League introduces Instant Online Registration for the Spring baseball/softball season beginning today on the internet at the all-new WPLL website: The Online Registration period is from November 1 through December 14th.

December 14 is the deadline for registering for the 2003 season.Parents may register online using a credit card, saving themselves a trip to the inperson registration scheduled for December 12 and 14.
Inperson Registration will be conducted 2 days only at Ridgeway School, White Plains in the cafeteria on Thursday evening, December 14 from 6 PM to 9 PM, and Saturday, December 14, from 9 AM to 4 PM.

Ages 5 to 15 Can Play. Must register by December 14.

Parents wishing to register their children from ages 5 to 15, in Tee Ball, Instructional 1, Instructional 2, Machine Pitch, Minors, Major, and Senior baseball and softball are required to register by December 14, otherwise they will be placed on the Waiting List and run the risk of their child not being able to participate.

Parents will have the opportunity to meet league officers, and have their questions about league play answered at the in-person registrations on December 12th and December 14.

Fees for 2003

Due to continuing increased costs for uniforms and equipment, WPLL is announcing an increase in its registration fee. The fee for Tee Ball, Instructional I, Instructional II and Machine Pitch Divisions will be $75.

The fee for the Minors, Majors and Seniors baseball and softball divisions will be $90. The higher fees for these three divisions is due to an increase in umpiring fees.

Multiple Child Discounts! Late Registration Penalty.

Parents registering three or more children will pay a flat fee of $200. A late fee of $25 per child will be assessed for those registering after the December 14 deadline, and a $25 late fee only for a family registering three or more children.

Uniform Costs, Equipment Upgrades Contribute to Fee Increase

Although league sponsors help offset the cost of uniforms and equipment, WPLL continues to maintain one of the lowest registration fee rates in Westchester County. Other towns charge $100 per participant on average. Additionally, assistance scholarships are available. WPLL has never turned away anyone due to financial difficulties. Each player receives a major league replica baseball cap, uniform shirt, pants and socks.

Opening Day April 5, 2003

The Spring 2003 season Opening Pitch will be officially thrown on Saturday, April 5, with the annual WPLL Opening Day Parade and Opening Day Games. The spring season runs through June 22, and includes a 12-game regular season schedule, and a single elimination playoff format for the minors, majors and seniors divisions only. Games are played weeknights at 6 PM, Saturdays beginning at 9 AM with games schedule through the day, and Sundays, beginning at 11 A.M.

Registration Moved to Provide Better Team Preparation

Newly elected WPLL President, Billy Ward, said the registration period was moved up to December 2002 for the upcoming 2003 season, by necessity, to insure uniforms would be ordered and distributed to all teams by March at less cost.

He said the December 14 deadline, it is hoped, will result in timely tryouts in the minors, majors, and seniors divisions, allowing the league to complete its draft process in a timely manner. The objective is to form teams by mid-February enabling more team practices and clinics starting shortly thereafter.

Trying out for the big leagues? NO PROBLEM. Moneyback if you make a Middle School, JV, Varsity team.

WPPL League Information officer, Billy Wooters, advised parents that players expecting to tryout for the middle school and private schools junior varsity and varsity school teams that if they make another team and choose not to play WPLL, they would receive a full refund.

However, Ward and Wooters indicated it was necessary if they thought they were going to play in Little League, that their parents must register them before the December 14 deadline.

Board of Directors elected

The all-volunteer 2003 White Plains Little League Board of Directors was officially elected on September 26, 2002. WPLL Board of Directors positions are in place for a required period of one year only (calendar year October 1 through September 30) as per Little League Headquarters, Williamsport, PA.

A safer, more big league Little League

WPLL announced it would continue to enhance the quality of uniforms and equipment with an eye to safety and durability. WPLL has also indicated it would continue to insure the safety of all participants with its continuing efforts with the City of White Plains on field improvements. A significant amount of field improvements have been made over the past few years and will continue going forward. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact e-mail the league at

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200 Asian Americans Running for Office Nationally

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WPCNR NEWSREEL. From Maureen Keating-Tuchiya. October 31, 2002:Worth taking note of is the intriguing number of Asian Pacific Americans running for office this coming Tuesday. There are 3 Gubernatorial candidates, 4 Lieutenant Governor candidates, 14 running for the House of Representatives, 30 State Senate candidates and 93 State Representative candidates.

APAICS Chair Clayton Fong stated, “It is exciting that we have identifie
close to 200 APA candidates who are running next week. And there were many more APA candidates who ran in primary elections, but unfortunately did not advance to the general elections. It is vital that the Asian Pacific American community continue to identify, encourage and train qualified APAs to run for public office. This is one of the major roles that APAICS plays on behalf of the community. Post November 5th , we look forward to having more APA elected officials as role models to inspire the next group of candidates.”

“Some of the key races that we are watching are the Hawaii gubernatorial race where a win by Mazie Hirono will enable Hawaii to retain an APA governor; the Guam gubernatorial race where Congressman Robert Underwood is running against Felix Camacho; and the Colorado Fourth Congressional District seat where a win by Colorado State Senate President Stan Matsunaka will make political history by sending the first APA Member of Congress from Colorado,” commented Daphne Kwok, Executive Director of APAICS.

Asian Pacific Americans Register to Vote in Record Numbers

“According to analysis prepared by Karthick Ramakrishnan, a research fellow at the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California, of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, voter registration increased from 56% to 63% of all eligible APA voters from 1998 to 2000. The voting rates increased from 37% of eligible APA voters in 1998 to 53% in 2000. Even though midterm elections usually have lower voter turnouts, it is important that next week we will be able to dramatically improve the APA voting rate from the 1998 37% turnout,” stated Daphne Kwok.

The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, educational organization based in Washington, D.C., that seeks to build a politically empowered APA community, to fill the political pipeline for Asian Pacific Americans to enter and advance into elected office, and to be a resource to Congress about the APA community.

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Strut and Fret Your Hour Upon the Stage…Fort Hill Players Offer Acting Classes

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WPCNR WHITE PLAINS VARIETY. From FHP. October 31, 2002: The Fort Hill Players will conduct 3-Hour Acting Classes beginning November 16 for adults college age or older who have the thrill of the stage still in their veins. It is an effort with a two-fold mission: extending the magic of theater and to attract new talent to the Fort Hill reportoire group.

The class will feature David Jacob, a professional actor with professional motion picture and television acting experience, conducting the classes from 10 AM to 1 PM Saturdays beginning November 16.

Four classes will be held at Rochambeau School, 228 Fischer Avenue, White Plains November 16 and 23 and December 7 and 14.

Aspiring actors will be required to memorize a dialogue and will receive individual coaching on their craft. For additional information, call Joan at 946-5143.
The course will be taught by person with a strong background in film, television, and theater. Mr. Jacob has studied the Eric Morris Technique with Joy Morris at Carnegie Hall, the Margie Haber Technique with Margie Haber, and the Meisner Technique with Ron Stetson at the Neighborhood Playhouse in NYC.

Player on stage, screen and tube.

His film credits include Six, Deadly Run, Still Waters Burn, the Cat, The Limits of Thermal Traveling, Some of These Days, and Silence of the Lambs.

His Television credits include the Sci-Fi Channel, Spin City, Muppet Special, USA Up All Night, America’s Most Wanted, Guiding Light, All My Children, One Life To Live, and American Movie Classics Promos.

On stage, Mr. Jacob appeared in Off-Broadway and Regional Productions of: Cigarettes and Chocolate (which opened in SOHO, and toured in Europe) Like a Brother, 10% in Maple Grove, Summer and Smoke.

Professional Class Atmosphere.

Jacob, according to the Fort Hill Players, is an energetic instructor who prides himself on his ability to have actors draw from within their own experiences. His classes are educational, challenging, and fun! Beginners and experienced actors mix easily.

Students will be required to memorize a monologue. Each student will get individualized instruction at each class. There are no make-up classes.

The tuition for the David Jacob Acting Classes is $65 (for all four classes), by check, in advance, made out to Fort Hill Players and mailed to: 921 Colony Drive, Hartsdale NY 10530.

Deadline for registration: November 9th. Confirmation will be made upon receipt of registration fee.

Please include address & phone number or email address.

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Oswaldo Ramos is BACK on the Ballot Opposing Nick Spano

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WPCNR Evening City Star Reporter. By E. Hezi, Yonkers Tribune October 30, 2002:The Appellate Division: Second Judicial Department has unanimously overturned the ruling by the Supreme Court in Westchester County removing Oswaldo Ramos as the Democratic Nominee.

The decision by the Appellate Division restores Oswaldo Ramos petition for the 35th Senatorial District. It further orders the Westchester County Board of elections to place Mr. Ramos name on all ballots for the November 5 elections, opposing State Senator Nicholas Spano.

The decision was reported to Westchester Network affiliate, The Yonkers Tribune by Mr. Ramos’ Campaign Manager, Herbert Padilla.

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15 Families Will Adopt Foster Kids Thursday. Need for More Foster Parents Huge.

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WPCNR County Clarion-Ledger. From Westchester County Department of Communications. (EDITED) October 30, 2002:Ending months or sometimes years of waiting for a child, 15 Westchester families will finalize adoptions on Thursday, Oct. 31 in ceremonies that will begin at 9:20 a.m. and end at 12:40 p.m. at the Westchester County Family Court in White Plains. The annual Adoption Day announces the need for more foster parents to step up to the plate and rescue a child.
Judge Joan O. Cooney, Supervising Judge of the Family Courts, said parents and children as well as social workers, attorneys and court personnel would participate. “This is always a special day for the parents and the children being adopted,’’ said Judge Cooney. “Through adoption these parents are giving a child a warm, loving and permanent home and family. We wish them all the best.’’

Kevin Mahon, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services which is responsible for the eight agency adoptions that will be finalized on Thursday, said he hoped that more people would be encouraged to become foster or adoptive parents.

“For every child who is adopted here today, there are dozens who need foster homes as well as permanent homes,’’ said Mahon. “We hope that this happy occasion will encourage more people to open their hearts and their homes to a child.’’

To become a foster/adoptive parent a person must, among other things, be a Westchester resident; be at least 21; have an income sufficient to meet family’s needs and be in reasonably good health.

November is Adoption Awareness Month, and orientation and training for prospective foster and adoptive parents is being held right now. A foster parent orientation is scheduled for Nov. 2 and an adoption orientation is scheduled for Nov. 21. The next three day foster/adoptive parent training sessions are scheduled for Nov. 9, Nov. 16, and Nov. 23.

For more information or to register for any of the orientations or trainings, call (914) 995-KIDS (5437).

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Spano: The Drought Emergency Is Over. Continue to Conserve.

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WPCNR AFTERNOON TRIB & POST. From Westchester County Department of Communications.(EDITED) October 30, 2002:Following New York City’s lead, Westchester County Executive Andy Spano today announced that as of Nov. 1 the county will lift the drought emergency that was first declared back in April. But a “drought warning,” which calls for voluntary conservation and education measures, is now in effect.
Above-average rainfall in September and October has replenished the Catskill/Delaware reservoirs enough that mandatory water restrictions originally imposed on April 1 can now be lifted, he said.

“New York City has informed us the our reservoirs are now at 68 percent capacity, which is normal for this time of year, but although mandatory restrictions are lifted, we are asking businesses and residents to voluntarily reduce water use since we have a long way to go to reach the 100 percent capacity we’re required to have by June 1.’’

Spano said although the mandatory restrictions have been lifted, people should continue to save water. “We encourage people to continue to conserve because who knows how much rain and snow we will get this winter, and we don’t want to be in the same position we were last year come springtime,’’ said Spano.
Following New York City’s lead, Westchester County Executive Andy Spano today announced that as of Nov. 1 the county will lift the drought emergency that was first declared back in April. But a “drought warning,” which calls for voluntary conservation and education measures, is now in effect.

As a result of the emergency declared April 1, businesses and governments that use more than 1,000 gallons of water per day were asked to develop a plan to decrease water usage by 15 percent. The mandatory restrictions applied to all municipalities, schools, businesses, landlords and building owners. Restaurants were barred from serving water except upon request and lawn watering and car-washing restrictions were in place.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg also announced today that the city’s drought emergency would be lifted as of Nov. 1, affecting 1 million upstate wpcnr_users in a four-county region, including Westchester. Westchester gets about 85 percent of its water from the New York City reservoir system; therefore it follows the lead of New York City in regards to water shortages.

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Amy Paulin Does Commercial for Tony Sayegh.

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WPCNR WHITE PLAINS NEW GAZETTE. October 29, 2002 UPDATED: The Republican Party is running a television commercial as of today, on local television stations using Amy Paulin’s tape-recorded remarks to Robert Fois as the point of the commercial. A viewer who first saw the spot Tuesday evening on Channel 26, they report, was shocked hearing Ms. Paulin mocking the pronunciation of Arab-sounding names in the tape recording. A spokesman for Mr. Sayegh’s campaign told WPCNR Wednesday the spot is being aired on an extensive buy, including cablechannels CNN, Lifetime, and others. He said, no network was refusing to air the spot.
One week ago, Mr. Sayegh held a news conference announcing the existence of the “Amy Tape,” a conversation Ms. Paulin had with Eastchester Town Report correspondent, Robert Fois, that he had recorded. The tape, the transcript of which can be read elsewhere on WPCNR, was characterized as Ms. Paulin’s repeated attempt to indicate to reporter Fois that Mr. Sayegh’s funding was coming from outside the 88th Assembly District and from possibly Arab contributors. Mr. Sayegh was shocked by the tape and in the news conference accused Ms. Paulin of inappropriate remarks with racial overtones.

Ms. Paulin has not returned WPCNR telephone calls requesting an explanation for whether she had reviewed Eastchester Town Report stories for “fairness” to her, or whether she had been told by the Eastchester Town Report that Fois, the reporter had been fired. A newspaper article in the Journal News on last Monday’s news conference had reported Ms. Paulin as saying Fois had been fired for “baiting” her during the interview on the tape. A correction stating that Mr. Fois was on a leave of absence only was made by the paper after the article appeared. Fois had told WPCNR he had requested a leave of absence himself when the Eastchester Town Report refused to listen to the Paulin tape.

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