Mayor of White Plains Moves to Limit Incursions of 5G Relays in White Plains. Promises October 6 Enactment to Limit Proliforation.

Hits: 77 Ruth Moss of 5GAlert Westchester reports White Plains progress on limiting the high intensity radiation of 5G transmission spread in residential neighborhoods, near schools, and residences. WPCNR COMMON COUNCIL CHRONICLE EXAMINER. Special to WPCNR From 5GAlertWestchester. September 21, … Continue reading

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Sweet Taste of Autumn for 40 Years is Back! Thompson’s Cider Mill Opens Today on a Perfect Autumn Day at Two Locations, says Westchester County’s “Geoff Appleseed”

Hits: 54 WPCNR AGRICULTURAL REPORT. September 19, 2020: The bees came back and did their job this spring, the apple blossoms held off coming out until after the frosty spring, and has created the sweet taste of autumn, a tradition … Continue reading