Perfect Together! Carly Evans Is Maria. Zach Trimmer Is Tony– West Side Story with Dance-Mad Cast Energizes Stage with Street Cool, Daddio. City Heartbreak Hard and Majestic as NYC Gets

Hits: 465  WPCNR STAGE DOOR. Theatrical Review by John F. Bailey. April 22, 2015: I just met a girl named Maria…and I’m in love.  She’s  Carly Evans and she and her “Tony,” of the West Side quintessential street gang “The … Continue reading

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County Exec Negotiated Deal with Standard Amusements without Consulting City of Rye. Mayor Sack not told of deal. Reserves comments prior to his City Council Analysis

Hits: 10WPCNR PLAYLAND GO ROUND. By John F. Bailey. April 15, 2015 UPDATED April 16, 2015: Michael Kaplowitz,Chairman of the Board of County Legislators was not told of the impending agreement being negotiated by the Astorino Administration with Standard Amusements … Continue reading

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