The Case for Gorsuch

Hits: 34WPCNR WASHINGTON WIRE. From the White House. March 21, 2017: Yesterday, Judge Neil Gorsuch began his 4-day hearing to become the next Justice of the Supreme Court. After months of meeting with 72 Senators from both sides of the … Continue reading

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Children of Undocumented immigrants in Westchester County Expected to be Left in Westchester if the Parents are deported.

Hits: 47WPCNR COUNTY-CLARION-LEDGER. From Catherine Borgia, Westchester County Legislator. (Edited) March 20, 2017: “There are approximately 60,000 undocumented immigrants that live in Westchester County, most of them are the parents of US citizen children,” added Carola Bracco, Executive Director, Neighbors … Continue reading

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