Not a Delaying Tactic, Sustainable Playland Says. No Deadline for Rye and County to figure out who’s in charge on Playland. Rye Consultant Precipitates Playland Crisis

Hits: 32WPCNR PLAYLAND REPORTER. By John F. Bailey. April 1, 2014: A spokesman for Sustainable Playland, the group attempting to redesign and develop the 1928 Playland amusement park owned by the county, denied today that Sustainable Playland was withdrawing temporarily … Continue reading

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Sustainable Playland (Short $$ for Legaling) Suspends Participation in Playland Review Indefinitely Over Rye Demands, Jenkins Lawsuit. “Pointless,” Sustainable says. ASTORINO REACTS

Hits: 28 WPCNR PLAYLAND REPORTER. Special to WPCNR From Sustainable Playland and Westchester County Department of Communications. April 1, 2014  UPDATED WITH ASTORINO STATEMENT/ REACTION April 1, 2014 12:45 P.M. E.D.T. Sustainable Playland Inc.  said today that it is suspending … Continue reading

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