The Return from Calvary

Hits: 32 WPCNR NEWS & COMMENT. By John F. Bailey. April 18, 2014: He died 2,000 years ago. There was no CNN, no internet, no newspapers,radio or television. No Twitter or Facebook. Nevertheless the message of the man who died … Continue reading

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Board of Legislators Caucus Stops Just Short of Telling Sustainable Playland: Come Back to the Playland Reviews or Good Bye. Tells City of Rye–You have no Say.

Hits: 29WPCNR COUNTY CLARION-LEDGER. From the Westchester County Board of Legislators with WPCNR Supplemental ReportingApril 16, 2014: The County Board of Legislators issued a news release today accused  Sustainable Playland of being disingenous by withdrawing from the Board Playland Improvement … Continue reading

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Snow Ball in Fort Wayne!

Hits: 39WPCNR VIEW FROM THE UPPER DECK IN FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. From White Plains’ Mike Couzens’ Column IT’S ALL RELATIVE April 15, 2014: White Plains High’s graduate Mike Couzens whose mug heads the It’s All Relative Column reprinted here, is … Continue reading

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City Captains Pass in the Night in a Sea of Financial Icebergs City, Schools Must Cut $1.7 Million apiece for 2015-16 Rebate. City Sales Tax Receipts one third of Inflation over last 10 years

Hits: 3 WPCNR Quill & Eyeshade. Commentary By John F. Bailey  Originally published May 10, 2006 UPDATED TO TODAY April 14, 2014: Tonight, 102 years ago, the RMS Titanic was steaming across the iceberg strewn North Atlantic. It had received … Continue reading

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