GOVERNOR CUOMO UPS EDUCATION AID in New Budget, Delivers Opioid Surcharge, Imposes Windfall Health Insurance Surcharge, Phases in Middle Class Tax Cuts, Defers Large Corporate Tax Credits

Hits: 0WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. From the Office of Governor Andrew M.Cuomo. January 17, 2018: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo  unveiled the FY 2019 Executive Budget Tuesday, which continues the state’s efforts to deliver on the promise of progressive government by protecting … Continue reading

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Congresswoman Lowey, County Executive Latimer, State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Mayor Tom Roach Denounce President Trump’s Attitude, Racist Remark, Governing Style. They Call to Fight Anti-Immigrant , Vindictive, Divisive Damaging Government Policies

Hits: 0  WPCNR MAIN STREET JOURNAL. By John F. Bailey January 15, 2018: President Donald Trump’s unfortunate gutter characterization of Haiti and El Salvador and nations in Africa last week was the “Talk of the Town” this morning at the … Continue reading

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Mr. Latimer Humble, Short, Sweet and to the Punch: New County Executive “Lincolnesque” in Simplicity, Urgency, and Pragmatic Reality Address. Promises Respect for All. Recognizes scores of government officials in overflow audience. Says We Are All in This Together. Calls for “urgency.”

Hits: 72 NY Governor Andrew M. Cuomo left administers ceremonial Oath of Office to County Executive George Latimer, while his sister, (beyond Mr. Latimer’s left shoulder) looks on, and his wife, Robin holds the Bible on which Mr. Latimer has … Continue reading

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