The Day Custer Sought Glory.

Hits: 25 WPCNR MILESTONES. By John F. Bailey. June 25, 2014 Reprinted from the WPCNR archive: One hundred thirty-eight years ago today in the midsummer sweltering heat of the Dakota Badlands, Major General George Armstrong Custer and 600 Cavalrymen of the … Continue reading

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Court Denies All But One Claim in Gedney Association Suit Claiming City Did Not Conduct a Proper Review of the FASNY PROJECT. Gedney has 30 Days to Beef up Argument. Vows it Will Continue the Fight

Hits: 29WPCNR WHITE PLAINS LAW JOURNAL. By John F. Bailey  June 17, 2014 UPDATED 11:10 P.M.: On Monday, the New York State Supreme Court dismissed all but one complaint filed by the Gedney Association aimed at blocking FASNY’s proposed school … Continue reading

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