In White Plains: Memorial Day is Not About Remembering–It’s About Giving Out Parking Tickets at Street Meters to Visitors Unaware of Meter Enforcement on Holiday

Hits: 103WPCNR PARKING NEWS. From a White Plains CitizeNetReporter. May 26, 2014: A WPCNR-er phoned in a report  at noon Monday that White Plains Parking Enforcement Officers are “swarming” Mamaroneck Avenue, Greenridge Avenue and Post Road ticketing unsuspecting motorists who … Continue reading

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Rankled Democrats: District Leaders Some Miffed at “the Process,” to Vote on Whether or Not to Nominate Interim Candidate Nadine Hunt-Robinson (Council’s Choice) to run for rest of Boykin Term

Hits: 26  WPCNR BACKROOM BULLETIN. By John F. Bailey. May 22, 2014: Democratic City District leaders are scheduled to hold a vote tonight to decide on whether  Nadine Hunt-Robinson, the interim appointee to the White Plains Common Council selected by … Continue reading

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