Thomas Edison’s Birthday.

Hits: 158 WPCNR MILESTONES. February 11, 2014:  Was Thomas Edison America’s greatest entrepreneur? He was born today in Milan Ohio in 1847, the seventh child. He was homeschooled by his mother, Nancy Matthews Elliot. His father was Samuel Ogden Edison, … Continue reading

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Regents Votes to Delay Common Core Incorporation into Regents Tests to 2022; Limits Teacher test success as factor in teacher evaluations, and Limits Assessment Preparation. Governor Says Not Enough.

Hits: 26WPCNR ALBANY ROUNDS. February 10, 2014: The New York State Board of Regents Monday voted to accept their own study committee’s recommendations on Common Core standards evaluation and pushed out to 2022 the date when students graduating had to … Continue reading

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Monday Weather

Hits: 50WPCNR MONDAY WEATHER SCOOP. From the National Weather Service The weather at Westchester County Airport at 7 A.M.: 20 degrees and clear with wind out of the South at 5 MPH. At WPCNR in the south end of White … Continue reading

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