FLASH! REPUBLICAN NOMINEE DEADLINE EXTENDED until MIDNIGHT SUNDAY. STILL TIME, BROTHER! WP GOP Chief gives Nominee ponderers for Common Council Special Election 48 hours to Think Decision Over.

Hits: 23WPCNR BACKROOM BULLETIN. By John F. Bailey June 12, 2014  UPDATED  9:30 P.M E.D.T.: With 3 hours to go until Thursday night’s midnight deadline, Brian Maloney, the head of the White Plains Republican Committee has extended his call this … Continue reading

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The Education Commissioner Comes to White Plains, Impresses: Reports Questions, Answers, Answer Justifications of 2014 Assessments Will Be Issued to NY School Districts In August. Says Educators More Positive About 2014 Test Experience

Hits: 0WPCNR SCHOOL DAYS. By John F. Bailey. June 11, 2014: Actual Questions with answers and justifications of the answers that appeared in the 2014 New York State Assessments will be delivered to School Districts in August, the State Commissioner … Continue reading

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Withdrawal of Sustainable Playland Proposal Surprises County Legislators. Legislator Approval of Consultant, Suggested Ice Rink Operator are needed

Hits: 32WPCNR PLAYLAND GO-ROUND. June 11, 2014: WPCNR has learned from Matt Richter, spokesperson for the Chair of the Westchester County Board of Legislators, Mike Kaplowitz, that the County Board of Legislators was not expecting that Sustainable Playland would withdraw … Continue reading

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Sustainable Playland Abandons Plan to Take Over Playland. Will Do Fundraising Only; Rink Operator Named; Former Sustainable Consultant will Conduct a Review of Park Ops.

Hits: 20WPCNR PLAYLAND GO-ROUND. From the Westchester County Department of Communications. (Edited:WPCNR Edits in light italics) June 11, 1014:   The Sustainable Playland  dream of bringing a field house,an amusement zone, a restaurant row on the boardwalk and new modern rides … Continue reading

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