Water Supply Low. County Urges Voluntary Conservation.

Hits: 2113

From Westchester County’s Department of Communications and WPCNR:Faced with lower reservoir levels, Westchester County is asking its residents to help with conservation efforts and use water sparingly. The request comes on the heels of a drought watch issued earlier this week by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Voluntary conservation is urged. Tips on saving water appear in this article.
The DEC’s declaration – which applied to 13 southeastern counties – doesn’t include mandatory restrictions but public water suppliers are urged to promote voluntary conservation.

Latest national map radars examined by WPCNR indicate that there will be no precipitation for the next 10 days. Temperatures are expected to be warm in the 50s and 60s, which may aggravate the shortage.

“This doesn’t indicate any kind of emergency – just that reservoir levels are lower than we would like,” said John D’Aquino, first deputy commissioner of the Department of Environmental Facilities. “However, it does mean that we should all practice conservation to keep the situation from getting any worse.”

State and county officials attribute the situation to below average rainfall, stream flow and groundwater levels. The reservoirs feeding New York City’s water supply are at 53 percent of capacity – significantly below the normal level of 69 percent.

Among the water-saving tips recommended by both the state and county:

Take shorter showers or fill the tub only halfway.

Don’t run the tap while shaving or brushing your teeth.

Fix leaking pipes, hoses and faucets. Leaky faucets can waste up to 1,000 gallons each week.

Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when full. Or use short cycles if available.

Don’t use the toilet as a wastebasket. Each unnecessary flush can waste 1.6 to 5 gallons.

Install water-saving fixtures including toilets, showerheads and faucet aerators.

Sweep driveways and sidewalks clean rather than washing them down with a hose.

Don’t let the tap run for cold water. Keep a container in the refrigerator.
For more tips, contact the county’s Water Conservation Hotline at 813-5436.

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WPCNR Salutes Veterans on “Armistice Day”

Hits: 2097

Eighty-three years ago today, representatives of the allied powers and the German allies met in a railroad coach outside Paris and agreed to an armistice, ending World War I, the so-called “War to end all wars,” a war in which 10 million persons died.

Since that day, November 11 has been set aside as first Armistice Day, later changed to Veterans Day. White Plains CitizeNetReporter salutes and remembers and thanks our veterans on this day which recognizes how special they are. Two events celebrated America’s first veterans last month.

On October 22 at “Washington’s Headquarters,” in White Plains, the Jacob Purdy House, the White Plains Historical Society recognized America’s first veterans. These were the men of White Plains who defended Chatterton Hill and Miller Hill from the advancing British army under General Howe.

GUNSMOKE REMEMBERS THE FIRST VETERANS. The militia men and volunteers who defended White Plains at the Battle of White Plains in 1776 were commemorated October 21, with a volley of remembrance at Jacob Purdy House.WPCNR PHOTO

An elite reenactment contingent of British troops gathered about the flagpole overlooking White Plains below. Old Glory was raised on the flagpole. A volley of gunfire from 18th Century muskets saluted the fallen from that long ago battle. The names of the residents of White Plains who died on those hills 225 years ago were solemnly read from a podium at the steps of the old red home.

The names of three White Plains citizens killed in the World Trade Center attack were added to this distinguished list of America’s first veterans, as Jack Harrington, President of the White Plains Historical Society oversaw the ceremonies.

It strikes WPCNR that these three 2001 citizens were much like those first veterans who defeneded White Plains in 1776. Those first veterans lay down their plows or crafts and took up arms when their town and country was threatened. Some citizens lost everything when British troops burned parts of White Plains after the battle.

We remember our fighting men and women on Veterans Day, because most of them were every day citizens called to duty who went out and did something they did not know they could do. Perform acts of heroism, bravery, losing their lives for the American way. Many were just kids themselves. For example, most B-17 pilots over Germany in World War II were in their early twenties.

NAMES OF AMERICA’S FIRST VETERANS ARE READ AT ENTRANCE TO JACOB PURDY HOUSE. Jack Harrington, President of White Plains Historical Society solemly conducts reading of the White Plains Honor Roll at Battle of White Plains ceremonies October 22.WPCNR PHOTO

We can in no way, or through no motion picture know what any veteran experienced. The veterans who still are with us do not like to talk about their combat experiences. And they do not. One veteran of D-Day, asked what he thought of Saving Private Ryan and the realism of it, said the real D-Day was worse. However, veterans we have interviewed remark that they think of their combat experience every day. It is always with them.

It is inconceivable to me that I could ever be able to do what these men and women did. I would like to hope I could. However, the veterans have. They left ordinary lives as office workers, factory workers, farmers, accountants, and what have you and were able to go to war and “rise to the occasion,” or as they say today, “step it up to the next level.” The highest level.

MAYOR DELFINO UNVEILS HISTORICAL SIGNAGE AT BATTLE HILL. In another effort to commemorate America’s veterans, Mayor Joseph Delfino, working with New York State and local groups unveiled a series of permanent historical signs in Battle Hill-Whitney Park October 28 detailing the Battle Hill and Miller Hill battle grounds of the Battle of White Plains. It is the first effort to produce a heritage trail in the City of White Plains. Other markers of historically significant areas of the city are planned in the near future.WPCNR PHOTO

How should Armistice Day be observed? Well, a thought about the sacrifice of these veterans and those who died perhaps brings new vibrancy and dedication to the ideals for which they fought. A thought to what they considered important enough to leave a safe existence to fight for valiantly at great risk and high valour reinforces those sacred American standards: freedom, the pursuit of happiness, free speech, the big little things.

We should value the sacrifice of our local public defenders, the police, the firefighters, the enforcement officials who routinely do this to keep the fabric of American society safe.
Thank you.

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A Message of Support from Mexico to America

Hits: 2106

A woman from Mexico writes CitizeNetReporter: We are deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic events that have taken place in your country and want you to know that we share your grief and concern. These terrible incidents are signs that something is gravely wrong in the world. Please understand that we stand beside you in seeking justice and an end to atrocities such as those that occurred on 11 of September of 2001. Her message continues in Spanish and English:

Dear American people,

Estamos terriblemente impresionados y tristes por los eventos trágicos que han ocurrido en su país y queremos que sepan que compartimos su pena y preocupacion. Estos incidentes terribles son signos de que algo esta terriblemente mal en el mundo. Por favor, comprendan que estaremos con ustedes en la búsqueda de justicia y el final de atrocidades como las ocurridas el 11 de Septiembre del 2001.

Los Estados Unidos se erigieron como un modelo de gobierno para la gente y por su gente. Ustedes quizas no sepan que su país fue el modelo para nuestra República Mexicana (la cual finalmente se formó siguiendo nuestras herencias culturales), y lo ha sido para muchas otras naciones de alrededor del mundo, especialmente a lo largo de Latinoamerica.

The United States was established as a model of freedom of government by the people themselves. You may not know that your country was the model for the Mexican republic (which ultimately took form according to our own unique cultural heritage), as it has been for many other nations around the world, especially throughout Latinamerica.

En este momento deseamos hacerle nuestro mas sincero reconocimiento a los logros históricos de su país y a unirnos con ustedes en un esfuerzo de re-descubrir los principios y fuerzas morales que convirtieron a los Estados Unidos en lo que el gran fundador de Massachusettes John Winthrop llamo: “La ciudad deslumbrante en lo alto de la colina”.

At this time we wish to extend to you our sincere high regard for the historical accomplishments of your country and join with you in an intention to re-discover the central principles and moral strength that made the United States into what your great forefather John Winthrop of Massachusettes called: “the shining city on the top of the hill”

Nosotros somos gente artesana de un pueblo rural en Mexico y es poco lo que podemos hacer para ayudar a las victimas de esta tragedia o para ayudar en las importantes tareas y retos que enfrentan los Estados Unidos y sus ciudadanos.

We are village craftspeople in rural México and there is little we can do to help the victims of this tragedy or to assist in the important tasks and challenges that lie immediately before the United States and its citizens.

No pretendemos decir que los Estados Unidos nunca han actuado injustamente o de manera poco noble en sus tratos con Mexico y otros paises. Lo ha hecho. Pero creemos que estas injusticias nunca fueron la intencion del pueblo Americano, sino que fueron fruto de la estructura moderna de sus instituciones que veneran el dinero por sobre todos las cosas.

We are not pretending that the United States has never acted ignobly or has not been unjust in its dealings with México or other countries. It has. But we believe that these injustices were never the intention of the American people, rather they came about as a part of the structure of modern institutions that worshiped money above everything.

Nosotros sabemos que la gente de los Estados Unidos, verdaderamente desea lo mismo que nosotros: un mundo que este gobernado por el amor, la justicia y la ley, basadas en la dignidad del ser humano sin importar su color o herencia cultural.

The American people, we know, deeply wish for the same as we do ourselves: a world that is ruled by love and justice and law based upon the dignity of the human being no matter his or her color or cultural background.

Sabemos que la Nacion de los Estados Unidos se fundó con los principios mas altos y que esta terrible emergencia tendera a producir en America una filosofia de reflexion y a re-establecer sus grandiosos fundamentos.

We know that the United States nation is founded on the highest principles and that this awful emergency will tend to produce in Americans philosophical reflection and a re-establishment of the foundations of her famous greatness.

Nuestras oraciones mas fervientes para ustedes y nuestro apoyo y solidaridad hacia todos los Americanos de buena voluntad que honran y respetan las tradiciones historicas que hicieron de los Estados Unidos la primera nacion de la tierra que se tomo el trabajo de lograr establecer una republica soverana opuesta a todas las formas de tirania.

Our fervent prayers go out to you, and our support and solidarity with all Americans of good will who honor and respect the historic traditions that made the United States into the first nation on earth that has carried out the great task of humanity to establish a sovereign republic opposed to all forms of tyranny.

Sepan entonces, amigos, que esta obscuridad paara y que lo bueno que anima a la gente americana seguramente se reafirmará.

Know then, friends, that this darkness will pass and that the Good that animates the American people will surely reassert itself.

Atentamente, las artesanas de la cooperativa de ARTCAMP “Artesanas Campesinas” de Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico.

Hilaria Tamara Areli Luz Yolanda María Angelica Esperanza y las otras mujeres de nuestra comunidad.

Atentamente, the artisans cooperative of ARTCAMP “Artesanas Campesinas” of Guerrero, México. www.artcamp.com.mx

Hilaria Tamara Areli Luz Yolanda María Angelica Esperanza

and the other women of our community.

Tamara Hernandez Danel Exconvento 01 Taxco Guerrero Mexico

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Tigers Drub Mahopac, 6-0, Move on to Bowl Saturday.

Hits: 2109

Spencer Ridenhour’s 5 yard bull-ahead touchdown run in the early going in the Third Quarter was the only score as White Plains stymied Mahopac all afternoon at Parker Stadium. The Tigers 6-0 win puts them in a game with a team to be determined. It was not as close a game as it sounds.
After a scoreless first half, Ahmad Warren recovered a Mahopac fumble on the Indians 27 in the opening minutes of the third quarter to set up White Plains with a scoring threat in the red zone.

TIGERS CHEW UP THE INDIANS in the autumnal showcase of Parker Stadium Saturday. The Orange and Black did not allow Mahopac to penetrate past the Tiger 30 yard line all day. Unofficially, Mahopac had to be well under 100 yards total offense.WPCNR PHOTO

With a first and 10 on the Mahopac 28 after Warren’s timely recovery, Eric Dickey rumbled offtackle to the 17 for a first down. Ridenhour lugged for 3 more to the 14. Spencer took it again to the 11 yard line. Dickey was stopped at the 10.

Then came the key play. On 4th and 3 at the 10, Spencer Ridenhour burst around right end to the 5 for a first and goal to go, and lugged it in straight up the middle on the next play, 6-0, Tigers with 9 minutes to go in the third quarter. It was all they needed.

Orlando Cruz punts, averaging 34 yards a kick, kept Mahopac in poor field position most of the afternoon, and the 4-4 Indians simply were no match for the seasoned Tiger defense. Even when they got the ball to midfield with a minute to go. The fans were not worried.

On the other hand, the Tiger offense had one of its worst performances of the season. With Jeff Lee unable to catch passes because of his left wrist being in a cast, the Tiger offense has become one-dimensional. They only had one sustained drive of the day, which stalled on downs at the Mahopac 11. (This was on the Tigers first possession of the game.)

“Mr. Jet,” the football fanatic from Section 234 at Giants Stadium attended the game. A long time Jet sufferer, he analyzed the game this way: “This was one of those games when there was more action in the stands than on the field. (A scuffle in the stands in the south end of the Parker bowl occurred in the third quarter, but order was restored by the combatants.) But a win is a win. White Plains played great defense. But this game was really what they mean when they describe a game as ‘three yards and a cloud of dust.'”

“Mr. Jet” is right. Against an very unimaginative Mahopac offense and an undistinguished defense, the Tiger offense was predictable. Not as inept as a Mahopac, but they are predictable. Their first series was superior, but when Mahopac realized all the Tigers were going to do was run (with Jeff Lee out of commission on offense), it was look for Dickey, McKoy or Ridenhour.

The Tigers raised their record to 6 wins and 3 defeats. The contest saw the Tigers take the most penalties of any game this season there were three clips, and two offsides which stalled out drives.

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Board of Ed sees 3 Search Firms; Will See More Tues. Saul Letter Out Nov. 17

Hits: 0

Larry Geiger of the Board of Education told WPCNR Friday that the Board of Education will see two more search firms Tuesday afternoon as the Board seeks a firm to guide the School Board in seeking a new Superintendent of Schools.
Mr. Geiger reported by telephone to WPCNR Friday morning that the Board of Education met with three executive search firms Monday afternoon, and had “very encouraging” discussions with all three.

He said the Board is expecting some confirmations of phone calls and expects to review two more firms next Tuesday afternoon. He said the Board of Ed expects to name a search firm at the November 19 public Board of Education meeting.

He also confirmed that School District Parents will be sent a letter defining in more detail the motivations behind the decision not to renew the contract of present Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Saul Yanofsky. Geiger said the letter would be out towards the end of next week.

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Fred Bland Plays City Hall Again Wednesday. Supertect to Show Enhanced Apts

Hits: 152

The Mayor’s Office announced today that Frederick Bland of Beyer, Blinder, Belle has been drawing, and together with Louis Cappelli will present enhanced designs of his apartment towers for the City Center next Wednesday at City Hall to the Common Council. Time for Mr. Bland’s second appearance has not been set yet.
The Mayor’s Office, coming out of post-election “lock-down,” announced that Cappelli Enterprises is tentatively scheduled to present Frederick Bland’s enchanced design for the residential apartment towers for the City Center project.

MORE BLANDISHMENTS TO DEBUT WEDNESDAY. Frederick Bland of Beyer, Blinder, Belle will play the stage at City Hall Wednesday unveiling new, enhanced, detailed designs based on this original sketch he presented in September before the Common Council. Bland’s first take was warmly received by the Common Council and the audience seeing them. Bland’s new design requires moving residential parking underneath the new parking garage to be owned by the city, and the city reports it will be negotiating a payment from the Cappelli organization for those subterranean rights.WPCNR PHOTO

The Mayor’s Office advised WPCNR Friday that Mr. Cappelli and Mr. Bland have announced that Mr. Bland’s enhanced design for the Martine Avenue & EJ Conroy place apartment tower necessitates placing residential parking underneath the new parking garage, adding another lower level.

Previously, the City Center design incorporated complete parking for residents underneath the residential tower itself. George Gretsas, the Mayor’s Executive Officer, said that the reasons for adding another underground level of parking beneath the ground floor of the parking garage will be explained by Bland and Cappelli Wednesday. He also said the city has been negotiating with the Cappelli organization for payment for those subterranean rights, and air rights over the garage.

Speculation that underground and air rights raises speculation of further acquisitions in the downtown by the Super Developer

Seasoned developer sources familar with the motives behind purchasing of air and underground rights, speculate that this may be a dual-edged intiative by the Cappelli organization.

Cappelli may be looking to acquire property adjacent to the new city parking garage he is building to add to his City Center centerpiece. He may be looking to acquire the property on Main Street previously eyed by other developers for a cooperative apartment tower and hotel which would be adjacent to the to-be-owned-by-the-city parking garage.

The Halpern organization owners of the buildings adjacent to Grace Church on Main Street, for example, own the air rights over Grace Church. This enables them to develop the property adjacent to the church, over the church airspace.

VIEW TO A BLAND: Another look at the Frederick Bland concept for the residential towers for the Cappelli City Center. WPCNR PHOTO

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FLASH! RECOUNT of Council Race Begins Tuesday. Board of Elections: Hockley UP!

Hits: 75

As of 3 PM Wednesday afternoon, the Board of Elections is reporting Glen Hockley the winner of the third Council seat by 159 votes over Larry Delgado, reversing Mr. Delgado’s unofficial 19-or 119 – vote lead of Wednesday morning taken from City Clerk-generated figures.

The City Clerk office reports all voting machines have been impounded by court order at 3:30 AM Wednesday, and an official recount of the council races will begin Tuesday.

The Board of Elections results had not been updated since 1:20 AM Wednesday morning. They were finally updated approximately 13 hours later well into Wednesday afternoon.

The Board of Elections show a distinct change from District totals reported last night from the District-by-District Machine counts supplied by the City Clerk’s office relied upon by Republican Headquarters.

The Board of Elections reported to WPNCR at 3:10 PM today at their offices that the final unofficial totals with all 46 election districts with 82% of absentee ballots counted were:

Rita Malmud 6,656 (up 193 votes)

Tom Roach 5,985 (No change from totals)

Glen Hockley 5,971(up 84)

Larry Delgado, 5,812(DOWN 94 from original city supplied total of 5,906)

The totals for the Mayor’s race went up slightly, too:

Joseph Delfino 7,206 (up 78)

Robert Greer 5,261 (up14)

The totals for the other two Republican candidates did not change and still stand thusly:

Robert Tuck,5,394

Mike Amodio,5,312

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Flash! It’s The Champ by a Knockout!

Hits: 2098

Mayor Joseph Delfino was reelected Tuesday to a second term as Mayor of White Plains, defeating Robert Greer by 1,881 votes. Rita Malmud won her fourth term as Common Councilperson, and was joined by first time candidate Tom Roach on the new Council. Larry Delgado appears to have retained his seat on the Common Council by 119 votes over challenger Glen Hockley.

County Legislator William Ryan won reelection to a third term by almost 2 to 1. Andrew Spano won reelection as County Executive, and Jeannine Pirro was reelected as Westchester District Attorney.
Rolling up strength in the White Plains southend of town, Mayor Joseph Delfino took an early lead in a flurry of punches in the early rounds of returns. “The Champ” kept piling up the points on his challenger Robert Greer, polling 7,128 votes to Mr. Greer’s 5,247 with all 46 White Plains districts reporting in at 11:10 PM Tuesday night.

THE CHAMP SHAKES HANDS ALL AROUND, as he makes his way to the podium at the Crowne Plaza Ballroom Tuesday night, with Neil Diamond’s America blaring on the sound system. The Champ, Mayor Joseph Delfino said he was “overwhelmed’ by the victory. It took him 5 minutes to make his way to the podium through the hugs.WPCNR PHOTO

In the Common Council marathon, Democrat Rita Z. Malmud handily won reelection to her fourth term on the Common Council, with 6,463 votes, setting her up for a run for the Mayoralty in 2005.

She will be joined on the Common Council by newcomer Democrat Tom Roach who rolled up 5,991 votes.

DELGATO COMES FROM BEHIND IN LAST THREE DISTRICTS TO TAKE THIRD COUNCIL SEAT BY 119 VOTES. Larry Delgado at the podium at the Crowne Plaza Ballroom last night telling the jubilant crowd, “I’m so-so-happy…we’re going to complete the job Mr. Mayor. I’m so happy I’ll be there.”WPCNR PHOTO

Republican Larry Delgado narrowly nosed out challenging Glen Hockley with a strong showing in the last three districts reporting in, Districts 10, 25 and 8. Trailing Mr. Hockley by 44 votes at 10:40 PM, Mr. Delgado snatched an apparent narrow victory from the jaws of defeat with a strong showing in those last three districts to defeat Mr. Hockley for the third Common Council seat by a mere 19 votes.

Republican spokesmen noted a misread error in the George Washington School polling machine reporting. They are confident will add 100 votes to Mr. Delgado’s total, sealing the narrow win by increasing his margin to 119.

Misread at George Washington School

The final unofficial total, if you count the error is Delgado 6,006 votes, Hockley, 5,887, a 119 vote victory margin for the first Hispanic Common Council.

The voting machine error, according to Mayor Delfino, occurred at George Washington School where Tuck and Amodio had approximately 139 votes each, and Delgado was reported as having 39. It is assumed that the reporter at George Washington simply miscounted by 100.

“WE HAVE 4 MORE YEARS TO FINISH THESE PROJECTS AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW NOTHING’S GOING TO STOP IT,” a jubilant and overwhelmed Mayor Delfino proclaimed last night. He said “I don’t know how to express my feelings to each and every one of you. I am overwhelmed and humbled,” upon being elected Mayor by 1,881 votes.WPCNR PHOTO

Ryan solid in District 5

The Westchester Network’s Scarsdale Today is reporting in that with the Scarsdale vote in, County Legislator William Ryan has defeated Candyce Corcoran by almost 2 to 1.
With over 86% of the votes counted and 46 of 53 electoral districts reporting, Ryan received 6,555 votes (64%) to Corcoran’s 3,627 votes (35%).

In White Plains, Ryan outpolled Corcoran by 5,929 votes to 3,267.

Robert Greer arrived at the Crowne Plaza at approximately 11:45 PM Tuesday evening, and embraced the Mayor, and is reported to have said to the Mayor, “we’re going to have to work together.”

The WPCNR Unofficial City Results

The Mayor’s Race

Joseph Delfino 7,128

Robert Greer 5,247

The Common Council Marathon

Rita Z. Malmud 6,463

Lorenzo Delgado 6,006*

Thomas Roach 5,991

Glen Hockley 5,887

Robert Tuck 5,358

Mike Amodio 5,190

For County Legislator District 5

William Ryan 5,929

Candyce Corcoran 3,267

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NY Presbyterian Hospital BioMedical Facilities Dealt Financial Blow

Hits: 2096

The announcement that New York State will devote only $10 Million towards development of Governor Pataki’s Centers for Excellence and biomedical research, takes away funding that New York Presbyterian Hospital had counted on for development of their proton accelerator facility on their White Plains property.
Alex Philippidis, Editor of Westchester County Business Journal broke the story in WCBJ Monday, and on White Plains Week last night. Speaking on the popular Public Access Channel 71 television program Monday, Philippidis said state economic development statewide had been cut to $100 million, and state aid for the biomedical, biotech development was cut to $10 million.

New York Presbyterian Hospital, the medical giant based in White Plains, had been counting on at least $50 million in grants from New York State and $50 million from the federal government in order to build their proton acclerator and biomedical research facility as part of their Plan B proposal now in Environmental Impact Statement preparation.

Geoffrey Thompson, spokesman for the hospital, said that biotech was still considered a desired use for the hospital site by both the state and Westchester County, but that funding would have to be sought privately.

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Illegal Housing Reports Double in 4 years: Common Council

Hits: 2093

The Common Council voted to add another code enforcement officer to increase illegal housing enforcement efforts with use of community development funds. The Council adjourned hearings on Tri-Kelly, Fortunoff’s, and Fenway maintenance buildings to December 3.
In discussion of the Code Enforcement Officer hiring it was revealed that illegal housing citations had increased from 146 in 1996-97 to 365 in 1999-2000, with the majority of violations perpetrated in the Battle Hill and Fisher Hill Neighborhoods.

Robert Greer, candidate for Mayor, said, “If it’s one way you can hurt a neighborhood quickly, it’s illegal occupancy. Is it (one more code enforcement officer) enough? Maybe we need more.”

Population Growth Contributes to Rise in Violations

Mayor Delfino attributed the increase in illegal occupancies to what he called “large population growth in the city over the last 5 years.” He cited Battle Hill and Fisher Hill as the primary areas where the illegal occupancy codes were being violated.

Pauline Oliva, Councilwoman, pinpointed the lower end of Main Street in the Eastview section as another area where considerable violations are known to exist.

Gismondi: Night enforcement dangerous to Code Enforcement Officers. Three Month Investigations Common.

Mike Gismondi, City Commissioner of Building, interviewed by WPCNR after the Common Council meeting said that citing illegal occupancy violations is dangerous work. First, he said, inspections have to be done at night, and because of past experience, police officers are needed to accompany the Code Enforcement Officers. The Code Enforcement Officers have not been treated well by the residents, and are often denied access and surveillance of the property.

As a consequence, night inspections have been instituted, which require accompanyment by a White Plains Police Officer.

Gismondi said, that in order to inspect the properties, the Code Enforcement Officers have to be given permission to enter the homes. Second, if entry is denied the Code Enforcement Officer, evidence has to be compiled, which can also be dangerous work. Cars have to be counted. Garbage analyzed. Persons entering house surveyed.

“Often it can take three months to compile the evidence to take homeowners to court,” Gismondi reports.

Three hearings adjourned

The Council heard for the second time in a week, Tri-Kelly Thirsty Turtle application for an outdoor dining facility behind the Thirsty Turtle on East Post Road. Again, the hearing was adjourned to December 3.

After having met the objections of The Esplanade senior citizens complex immediately adjacent, Thirsty Turtle was met with complaints by the owner of the Sloan-Bar Building across Post Road about illegal parking by Thirsty Turtle patrons in their behind-the-building lot, as well as piles of beer bottles in their trash receptacles.

In a lengthy 45-minute discussion, while the owners of Fortunoffs looked on, the minutiae of nightlife was examined.

A White Plains Police Task Force by vigilant enforcement has cut down on the rowdiness and number of citations to overindulging patrons in the East Post Road area.

Mayor Delfino quietly suggested perhaps a gate could be put up to block access to the Sloan Bar parking area.

Pauline Oliva suggested sale of beer could be limited to draught beer only (eliminating bottle discarding).

No one from either the Thirsty Turtle or the Sloan-Bar Building seemed to know who employed the gentlemen waving cars into the Sloan-Bar parking lot. (Though the Thirsty Turtle owner, said he had given them pieces of pizza.)

The Council voted to adjourn this to December, giving the time for the two businesses to work out the parking controversy.

Two More Continuations

The hearings for the Fenway maintenance sheds at the Fenway Golf Club and Fortunoffs were adjourned to December 3.
All members of the Council were quite welcoming to Fortunoffs.

Some residents of Hale Avenue immediately West of the proposed Fortunoffs site expressed concern about the loading bays for the complex with the entrance for deliveries immediately adjacent to their backyards.

William Null, the attorney presenting for Louis and Andrea Fortunoff (who were present in the audience), said the residents would be contacted and more details of shielding and landscaping fo the bays would be explained to them. He felt this would make them more comfortable with the situation.

Hospital Senior Convalescent Facility renewal referred

In a routine consent agenda item, several councilpersons skirmished over the Mayor’s decision not to allow Barbara Benjamin to speak on the New York Presbyterian Hospital request for a renewal of the Special Permit to build a senior convalescent facility.

The Mayor said that if he allowed persons to speak on one consent agenda item, there would be no purpose of having a consent agenda. He said that when the matter came up for a public hearing, residents would have an opportunity to speak on the issue.

Long awaited Recreation Master Plan submitted

Councilmembers received “just printed” copies of the Administration Recreation Master Plan, though none were yet available to the media. Pauline Oliva commented she wished there had been more “history” of the properties included in the report.

Other reports submitted and now available to the public were the Department of Budget Annual Report for 2000-01 and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of White Plains Fiscal Year, ending June 30, 2001.

The Mayor closed the Council Meeting urging all to go out and vote today, Election Day.

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