WPCNR Remembers Pearl Harbor

Hits: 105

Sixty years ago today, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in a surprise raid that caught the United States Pacific Fleet at anchor on a sleepy Sunday morning.

This “Day of Infamy,” as President Franklin D. Roosevelt described it is a reminder that we should always remember the price of freedom and the reasons we have to fight for it against all odds.

As Jimmy Cagney said in the movie, Yankee Doodle Dandy, and we are paraphrasing here, “Every once in awhile some thug nation comes to think we’re pushovers and takes a poke at us. It’s up to us to show them America can’t be pushed around.”

WPCNR pauses to reflect and salute and remember the “Day of Infamy.”

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Judge Nicolai Touches Them All.

Hits: 113

WPCNR highlights key arguments from Judge Francis A. Nicolai’s sweeping decision calling for a continuation of the White Plains Council election involving Larry Delgado and Glen Hockley to take place in District 18 among all 6 council candidates. The Administrative Judge of the New York Supreme Court ruled Thursday evening.
Judge Nicolai reasoned his right to jurisdiction, one of attorney Adam Bradley’s contentions against Mr. Delgado’s petition, was based in the condition that neither candidate had taken office:

“Once a successful candidate has assumed office, an aggrieved candidate’s exclusive remedy is in the nature of a quo warranto action by the Attorney General…

However, when an office is not yet occupied, a quo warranto action is unavailable, and a plenary action for declaratory judgment is appropriate…

Further, the court has the power to convert an election proceeding to an action for declaratory judgment…Thus, since the subject public office is not yet occupied, this proceeding is hereby converted into an action for declaratory judgment with the petition deemed the complaint…In the context of this declaratory judgment action, Petitioner’s claims may be duly adjudicated.

On the matter of Delgado not proving need for relief

Respondent Hockley further argues that Petitioner has not made a factual showing entitling him to relief. This Court disagrees. It is undisputed that the voting machine in Election District 18 malfunctioned after recording just 39 votes for Petitioner Delgado, thereby preventing the recording of any additional votes for Petitioner.The facts of this case clearly establish that had the voting machine not malfunctioned, Petitioner would have received votes in excess of 39 in Election District 18, and that the machine malfunction affected the election results. Further, Respondent Hockley has produced no probative evidence to the contrary.

Accordingly, in light of the faulty vote tally in Election District 18, and the resulting faulty city-wide wlection results, the election of Respondent Hockley can not be certified.

Judge Nicolai says “Not so Fast, Mr. Delgado.

Mr. Delgado’s attorney, Jeffrey Binder argued that based on Mr. Delgado’s showing citywide that Judge Nicolai declare Mr. Delgado the winner during the court phase of the petition. The Judge felt this outcome could not be assumed:

While Petitioner(Mr. Delgado) contends that the malfunction of the voting machine may be somehow corrected by an “appropriate mathematic adjustment” made to the election returns, and an adjustment of the canvass, this Court disagrees. This Court, cannot, as Petitioner urges, determine either as a matter of fact or law, the accurate tally of votes received by Petitioner Delgado on November 6, 2001 and declare the Petitioner is the winner. In as much as this Court cannot permit the issuance of a certificate of election to a candidate who may not have actually won due to a mechanical malfunction (Hockley), this Court also cannot presume that Petitioner is the winner of the election based upon a subjective mathematical or statistical analysis.

Judge Rules Out Citywide Election

Candidate Hockley’s attorney had argued for a remedy which called for a citywide election with all registered voters allowed to participate. Judge Nicolai declared this argument to be “without merit:”

While it is impossible to determine exactly how many votes Petitioner would have received had there not been a malfunction in the voting machine, the remedy fashioned must be reasonably calculated to demonstrate the intent of the voters of Election District 18 on November 6, 2001 to vote for a member of the Common Council. A new city-wide election, with all registered voters eligible to participate, whether they voted on November 6, 2001 or not, would not be determinative of the intent of the voters who actually voted on November 6, 2001 in Election District 18, but may not have had their votes recorded.

Further, a city-wide election is unnecessary and unduly burdensome for Responsent Board of Elections since there were no reported irregularities in the 45 other election districts.

Text in italics excerpted from the Delgado decision issued Thursday evening by Judge Francis A. Nicolai, New York Supreme Court.

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Delgado: Nicolai Decision Allows Voters Voices to Be Heard.

Hits: 87

Larry Delgado hailed what he called an “historic” decision Thursday evening. Mr. Delgado, suddenly a candidate again, is scheduled to kick off his mini-campaign Friday afternoon at a news conference at Republican headquarters at 2:30 PM. Disenfranchised voters will speak.

THE DELGADO TEAM, shown after early proceedings. John Ciampoli is on the left, and Jeffrey Binder, on the right. The Delgado Duo successfully won a new election in District 18 Thursday evening. An appeal from Mr. Delgado’s opponent Glen Hockley may be next. The Judge has called for an election to take place in District 18 only on either December 17,18,19 or 20 for the 366 voters who voted on November 6. WPCNR PHOTO

“The Nicolai decision gives the vote back to those whose votes were not counted,” Larry Delgado told WPNCR Thursday night, “Now their voices will be heard.”

Mr. Delgado contacted WPCNR late Thursday evening from his White Plains office, and said he was “very, very pleased with the decision, and I look forward to the continuation of the election and continuing on to victory.”

The ebullient incumbent analyzed the decision: “One’s vote is the central issue here,” the Councilman said, “if a massive malfunction prevents it from being counted, that vote is too important not to be counted. The decision is a very well-reasoned decision (by Judge Francis Nicolai) that holds together, is so well-established, so clean-cut. The Judge leaves no doubt. It’s historic. A decision that will affect the nation.”

Delgado decision architect checks in.

John Ciampoli, Mr. Delgado’s major domo, spoke to WPCNR from his Albany office, pointing out that only two general elections have ever been rerun in the state, and this is the third. He said it was historic, but cautioned that an appeal could be forthcoming. However, he pointed out that for Mr. Hockley and his attorney, Adam Bradley to appeal on the basis that the voters should not have an opportunity to be counted, while asking for their vote at the same time appeared to be an awkward position.

366 Who Voted will be given opportunity to recast their ballots

Judge Nicolai’s ruling calls for the Westchester County Board of Elections to select either December 17,18,19 or 20 as the day for the continuation of the election.

He has ruled that all six council candidates have to be on the ballot, but Rita Malmud and Thomas Roach have already been certified as winners in the election by the judge.

The other parameter is the canvas: Judge Nicolai has ruled that only the 366 voters having voted at Machine 150 in District 18 on Election will be allowed to vote in the continuation of the election.

The District 18 result added to the candidates’ results in the 45 other White Plains election districts will determine the winner of the third council seat.

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FLASH! Judge Nicolai Orders Revote in District 18 between Dec. 17-20

Hits: 59

Updated, Dec. 6, 11:35 PM:Judge Francis Nicolai, Administrative Judge of the New York Supreme Court, Ninth District issued his decision on the Larry Delgado-Glen Hockley disputed election results at approximately 6 PM Thursday evening.
WPCNR has learned from a party close to one of the candidates contesting the results in White Plains Election District 18 that Judge Francis A. Nicolai has ordered a revote in District 18 either December 17,18,19 or December 20, according to Mr. Delgado’s attorney, John Ciampoli, speaking to WPCNR from Albany this evening.

The date of the actual continuation of the election is to be decided by the Westchester County Board of Elections.
The decision was issued by fax early Thursday evening to the affected parties in the suit.

According to our source, the Judge has called for a reelection in District 18 canvassing only those voters who voted in District 18 on November 6. This comes to a total of 366 voters.

The Judge has also mandated that all six candidates: Larry Delgado, Robert Tuck, Michael Amodio, Rita Malmud, Thomas Roach, and Glen Hockley be on the ballot.

However, Judge Nicolai has already ruled that Rita Malmud and Thomas Roach are certified as winners of council seats, meaning that votes for Ms. Malmud and Mr. Roach in the reelection will not affect their “certified” reelection.

WPCNR will attempt to bring you more details as they become available, and the Judge’s written reasoning behind the decision as soon as possible.

Judge Nicolai, according to our source, mandates that the winner of the third council seat will be determined by adding the results of the December revote to the candidates’ totals in the other 45 White Plains election districts. However, Mr. advises that if Mr. Delgado should prevail, he must prevail by 8 votes, if less, then Mr. Hockley’s 7 contested votes will be added to Mr. Hockley’s total.
Our source calls the ruling, “A very good decision.”

Now Glen Hockley and his attorney, Adam Bradley have to decide whether to appeal Judge Nicolai’s ruling to the Appellate Court, Second Department, in Brooklyn.

Pending that possible appeal, the third court of last resort for Mr. Hockly and Mr. Bradley is the New York State Court of Appeals, which is where the case would terminate, according to Edward Dunphy, City of White Plains Corporation Counsel, in a statement made to WPCNR last week.

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Hits: 0

The Music Conservatory of Westchester was host to a successful effort on the afternoon of December 2, 2001, in which musicians from throughout Westchester County and beyond, came together to offer their music and talent for the benefit of the American Red Cross of Westchester County.

The jazz jam session was predicated on the Conservatory’s desire to return the community embrace of the Conservatory’s new home at 216 Central Avenue, in White Plains, with an outpouring that would also reflect the desire of musicians and the Conservatory to call for a musical interaction that would respond with passion and sensitivity greater than the horror of September 11.

Jazz is a touching musical interpretation for me. Jazz is often spoken of as the only American musical form. It is the only honest depiction of the American “melting pot” concept often alluded to, yet not lived up to in practice. The base ingredient of jazz is the ease with which the music tells the listener exactly what is to be played, that is, jazz. Analogous to the advertisement: “Coke is It” or “Pepsi’s the One.” Americans want it when they want it; we want it now – we are an impatient lot. We worship instant gratification. To that end, jazz exposes its musical genre immediately. Strike one point for jazz.

Jazz is a musical art that has form and structure, that is, a musical score. Classical music in all its fluidity once written is forever impervious to change. We Americans, though respectful of the musical genius of Chopin, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Sibelius and Mozart, among others, possess a demeanor more closely aligned with the individuality permitted in jazz. Score another point for jazz.

Jazz exalts extemporaneous concepts of musical sound. It is an art form of sound that finds strength from the emotional center of each musician through his or her personal effort and musicianship. It is not musical form that follows a protocol of consensus. It is individual, yet not alone. Jazz permits the development of the group effort and the inherent strengths of the give and take, the ying and yang modality of sound. Score point three for jazz.

The musical effort is not a consensus but rather an individual expression within the context of a group effort in which each contribution of musical self enhances the group effort in its expression to the listener. Do I hear score number four for jazz? Surely, a resounding “Yes!”

Jazz has drawn cultural musical themes from Africa, Europe, The Middle East, and The Orient and mixed the ingredients of each into a “stew” to create the sound and expression of “jazz” to the delight and satisfaction of the American mentality and auditory sensibility. This “stew” ingratiates new cultures and influences into its jazz form. Witness the emergence of the Asian artist flocking to the jazz fold. The ever increasing people of all colors, religions and ethnicity to the world of jazz. Score point five for jazz.

I could go on and on. Yet, let me not forget that unlocking the jazz musical chrysalis yesterday afternoon / evening were Bob Arthurs, Glenda Davenport, Gerry Fitzgerald, Aaron Flagg, Masai Hayashi, Jimmy Hill, Charlie Lagond, Steve Lamattina, Michelle LeBlanc, Jan Leder, Kenny Lee, Carmen Leggio, Mark Morganelli, Johnny Morris, Takeshi Ogura, Diana O’Keefe, Joe Ragusa, Steve Roane, Sean Smith, and Kenny Wessel.

For more information, please contact Robert Arthurs, Dean of Students and Faculty and Lisa Deutsch, Executive Director of the Conservatory at (914) 761-3900. E-mail Robert Arthurs at Robert Arthurs, Dean of Students and Faculty ; e-mail Lisa Deutsch at Lisa Deutsch, Executive Director of Conservatory and please visit the Music Conservatory of Westchester web site and visit their new home at 216 Central Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606.

For those who missed the event yet would like to donate to the efforts of the American Red Cross in Westchester, please contact Katherine Cintron, Director of Philanthropy at (914) 946-6500 ext 502 or via e-mail to Katherine Cintron, Director of Philanthropy of American Red Cross in Westchester

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Briefs IN! Judge Nicolai Reviews the Arguments. Board Awaits. Tallies In.

Hits: 61

Updated, Dec. 5:The Principal Law Clerk for Judge Francis Nicolai, Administrative Judge of the New York State Supreme Court, confirmed to WPCNR as of 3 PM Tuesday, that the Judge had received briefs from the attorneys for Larry Delgado and Glen Hockley in Mr. Delgado’s election action. He is in the process of reviewing them. Meanwhile, the Board of Elections awaited instructions, and up-to-the-minute still unofficial results are now available from the Board of Elections.

Correction, Updated December 5. An alert WPCNR reader has drawn our attention to computation error, which shows a surprising turnaround for Mr. Delgado, if District 18 results between he and Mr. Hockley were not counted.

Diane Lundin reported to WPCNR from the County Court House Tuesday afternoon that Adam Bradley, attorney for Glen S. Hockley, and Jeffrey Binder, attorney for Councilman Larry Delgado had submitted final briefs by 5 PM Monday as directed. Ms. Lundin said the Judge was in the process of reviewing them and she “had no knowledge as to what his (the Judge’s) plans were.”

New Election?Board of Elections needs 2 to 3 weeks to get ready.

Meanwhile, back at the Board of Elections, Carolee Sunderland, Co-Commissioner of the Board of Elections advised WPCNR that should Judge Nicolai call for a new election, it would take the Board approximately 3 weeks to set up voting machines. She said the Commissioners, in cooperation with the White Plains City Clerk might consolidate voting districts, and, as part of the any ordered process, prepare the new election roles required.

She speculated that this might extend the period between the ordering of any remedy and a new election. Another factor she said was whether or not the judge would set aside extra time for the candidates to campaign again prior to any new election date.

In Tarrytown, interval was 45 days.

Larry Delgado, interviewed on the subject after Monday evening Common Council meeting, pointed out that in the Tarrytown case where a new election was called for, the judge reviewing that case set aside a time period of 45 days. Going on that precedent, this would put a new election sometime into early February. But, that is speculation only, based on Westchester’s most recent re-canvas scenario.

Sunderland said most White Plains election districts run over 400 voters and there would most likely be little room for consolidating election districts (that is directing voters to new, more centralized polling places they are not familiar with). Sunderland advised that the Board of Elections is given authority to consolidate districts of 2,000 voters and above, while city clerk offices county wide are given the jurisdiction to consolidate districts of not less than 100 up to 400 voters. General, Special and Primary election law spells out the consolidation guidelines as to who makes the consolidation decisions.

Four Inspectors Have to Be Put in Place for every Polling Place.

The Commissioner advised that for every polling place opened, four Election Inspectors would have to be hired by law, another consideration, especially if Judge Nicolai should order a citywide recanvas.

Question of who will be allowed to vote is the Judge’s call.

Sunderland indicated that another consideration is it what voters Judge Nicolai determines have the right to vote in any reelection should he call for a new runoff.

Sunderland added he might decide only voters who voted November 6 were eligible to vote. Another scenario is any new election might only be held in District 18, instead of citywide. Sunderland said the complexity and the time needed to set up a Delgado-Hockley runoff depended solely on what Judge Nicolai orders as “the remedy.”

Other possibilities are the Judge might let the original vote stand, or declare Mr. Delgado the outright winner based on facts presented.

Latest Unofficial Board of Elections Results as of November 30

WPCNR received the unofficial Board of Election results Friday afternoon from Steve Levy, Deputy Commissioner of Elections. According to the printouts, the totals as of Friday afternoon, November 30 are as follows:

Glen Hockley
46 Election Districts Reporting, All Absentee Ballots counted:

Working Families Party
Total Votes

Larry Delgado
Total Votes

The difference: Glen Hockley leads by 47 votes.

What the suit is about: Mr. Delgado contends that due to the voting machine counter wheel (found to be jammed last week), in District 18, at least 100 votes (enough to give him the election), were not counted in his favor, based on his run in 1997 in District 18.

Mr. Delgado received 57 (Republican 47, Conservative, 10) votes in District 18, compared to his Republican running mates Robert Tuck and Mike Amodio who respectively gathered 157 and 126 votes on the Republican line, and 13 and 9, respectively on the Conservative line.

Corrected portion of article begins:

A New Election or A Declaration of Outright Win is Delgado’s Hope.Delgado is Second to Malmud, if District 18 is eliminated.

Examining the results it is clear that throwing out the results of District 18 as being flawed would make Mr. Delgado the winner.

The present standing of Mr. Hockley over Mr. Delgado would change if District 18 results were thrown out. If you deduct the 155 votes he received in District 18, Mr. Hockley would possess 5,985 votes compared to Mr. Delgado’s 6,038 (going into District 18), after deducting Delgado’s 55 votes he got in District 18, Delgado would lead Hockley 6,038 to 5,985, and be clearly the winner.

Under this scenario of eliminating District 18, Thomas Roach fall to third behind Mr. Delgado by a mere 10 votes with 6,028 votes (determined by deducting Roach’s 230 District 18 votes from his present total of 6,258).

Please note, an alert reader noted that WPCNR had plugged in the wrong figure for Mr. Delgado in the first edition of this article in computing the District 18 “throw-out” scenario. Recomputation produced the result demonstrating Mr. Delgado is the winner and second to Rita Malmud if District 18 results are thrown out.

This result based on the unofficial totals, made available to WPCNR last Friday, indicates why Alan D. Scheinkman, Ms. Malmud and Mr. Roach’s attorney, was so intent on having the Malmud and Roach results certified last week.

Judge Francis Nicolai is now mulling the two candidates’ entwined fate.

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Cappelli Express Highballed. Council Approves Final TowerDesigns

Hits: 75

The Common Council in PicturesThe Common Council approved Frederick Bland’s Beyer Blinder Belle final detailed architectural designs of the Cappelli City Center Towers Monday evening, ending a seven-month drama.

The Council also moved ahead on Fortunoff’s and New York Presbyterian Hospital’s Plan B.

Monday marked Pauline Oliva’s final Common Council meeting, and the introduction of Gina Cuneo as the new Commissioner of Finance.

The Mayor also invited everyone to White Plains first New Year’s Eve Party on, of course, December 31.

PAULINE OLIVA’S LAST COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Joseph Delfino, calling her “more than a rose, you’re a crown jewel,” presents Councilwoman Pauline Oliva with a dozen long-stemmed roses, in recognition of this being her last Council meeting after eight years of service to the city. Ms. Oliva received a standing ovation at the end of the evening from her colleagues and the citizenry in attendance. Rita Malmud, City Council President, visibly emotionally moved, told Ms. Oliva, “You’ve been that which we aspire to be.” In her remarks, Ms. Oliva thanked all the commissioners for their professionalism over her eight years. WPCNR PHOTO.

NEW COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE IINTRODUCED: Mayor Delfino listens to his new Commissioner of Finance, Gina Cuneo, express her happiness at joining the City of White Plains as new finance wrangler. Ms. Cuneo was most recently the Chief Financial Officer of the Village and Town of Ossining, and prior to that spent many years with the City of Yonkers in a financial role. Austin Davis, formerly in finance with the New York Power Authority joins her as new Deputy Commissioner of Finance.WPCNR PHOTO.

TOWERS OF CAPPELLI ARE ACCEPTED. The new revised Frederick Bland designs of Louis Cappelli’s residential towers were introduced and approved by the Common Council with no opposition whatsoever. The primary difference is that windows have been added to the narrow north-south faces of the structures (a suggestion of Councilman Willidam King) The slant-turret, “Nautilus-style” conning tower affect has been retained at the top. The materials choices were also approved.WPCNR PHOTO.

A SOFTER PROFILE ON THE TOWERS is achieved with windowed facades on the new designs for the North South views was presented by Louis Cappelli and approved Monday evening. Cappelli is now cleared to begin construction on the project. The City Center movie-retail complex is seen to the left, the garage to the right. The view is from Martine Avenue, looking North.WPCNR PHOTO.

A LITTLE BIT OF SOHO COMES TO WHITE PLAINS:Cappelli also introduced design for the loft residential building of 10 stories, (on Martine Avenue), featuring 20- 2,000 square foot units with 12-foot ceilings. The loft building on the South side of Martine Avenue is conceived with a limestone green exterior, complete with ornate seals on the cornices, reminiscent of the ironbound district buildings in SOHO, New York City. William King was particularly taken by this design. All six councilpersons praised the final designs of the towers and the loft building. Benjamin Boykin, Jr., called each tower a “signature” building. Pauline Oliva said “I’m flabbergasted. I think the buildings have turned out so beautiful. Mr. Bland has outdone himself. They are stylish, they look very rich. Thank you for being receptive to our concerns.”She complimented Mr. Cappelli on his “selling” of the project, and his cooperation in listening to the Council.WPCNR PHOTO.

THE COLORS OF CAPPELLI: Louis Cappelli presented these material swatches depicting the colors of the City Center apartments. The crowns of the two towers would be white with perforated metal baffalings. The first setbacks of the towers with the horizontal windows would be of beige and light red brick. The central double-vertical window towers would be in white limestone. The garage facade of red brick (bottom), to blend in with the Martine Avenue residences across the street.WPCNR PHOTO.

In other action last evening, the Common Council approved increasing the Downtown Business Improvement District budget $200,000 to $500,000.

In a consent agenda item, they accepted the New York Presbyterian Hospital Draft Environmental Impact Statement as complete, scheduling a public hearing on it for January 7, 2002.

Fortunoff’s moves

The council approved Fortunoff’s for a Special Permit, authorizing Fortunoff’s to build to a height of 80 feet. William King reported that a Saturday meeting between Fortunoff representatives and Hale Avenue homeowners went well. He said the greater landscaping and larger buffer were positive steps.

It appears from statements by the neighbors at the meeting that they have no objection to Fortunoff’s coming, and hoped the city would involve itself to assure more concessions on Fortunoff’s behalf. However, opposition by the neighbors was definitely scaled down, in this reporter’s analysis.

Over $637,131 in grants were received for the year by the White Plains Youth Bureau. Pauline Oliva complimented Frank Williams, Youth Bureau Director on his ability to write persuasively and effectively in obtaining the grants for the city youth, in announcing three new grants.

Party with the Mayor on New Years Eve: Gala at the City’s Center

The Mayor announced the city would throw its first-ever New Year’s Eve gala bash. It will feature raising a tent on Main Street, a swing band, a buffet dinner, beer, wine and champagne. The Tickets: $75 a person, from 9 PM to 1 AM New Years Eve. Reservations are required. Call the BID,328-5166, for more information, and to make your reservation to party with the Mayor.

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4 White Plains Organizations to Receive Master Card Tech Grants Wednesday.

Hits: 71

Four White Plains organizations have been recognized by MasterCard International for their efforts in improving the educational and technological opportunities for under-served youth and will be awarded the first grants from the MasterCard Youth Education and Technology Fund. The awards will be given Wednesday, December 5 at 10 AM at Master Card Headquarters at 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase.

The organizations are: Cardinal McCloskey Services/ASPRIE Program, New York School for The Deaf/Campus Weather Station, The White Plains Library/Teacher in the Library, and The Street Theater, Inc./A Better Chance.

David Ruth, senior vice president, Global Communications, MasterCard International, will recognize these organizations at the association’s first annual awards presentation for the fund. Westchester County officials, board members and senior executives from the award-winning organizations, as well as representatives from the Westchester Community Foundation and MasterCard’s Review Committee will be in attendance.

Francesca Borges Gordon, director, Public Affairs at MasterCard, will also detail MasterCard’s community outreach program and Youth Education and Technology Fund initiative.

The award recipients were chosen from among 40 proposals, submitted to the Westchester Community Foundation and selected by MasterCard employees. Programs focused on providing direct service to children of diverse backgrounds from kindergarten through high school.

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McLaughlin Searchers Seek Yanofsky Input on Profile. Public Meetings Set.

Hits: 61

UPDATED DECEMBER 8, MEETING DATES RELEASED, ONE CHANGE:Hazard, Young & Attea, the search firm engaged by the White Plains City School District, will interview Dr. Saul Yanofsky for his input on developing a Superintendent of Schools Job Profile in the weeks ahead, Board President Donna McLaughlin reported to WPCNR Friday.

The School Board plans a 5-day over-the-weekend series of public meetings, January 10 to 15 for community direction to be communicated to the Search Consultants.

On Saturday, December 8, WPCNR updated the last public comment meeting date. The School Board changed the Bethel Baptist Church meeting to Wednesday, January 16, from Tuesday January 15. Time remains 7 PM. Other dates remain the same.

Speaking by telephone, Ms. McLaughlin updated WPCNR on the School Board meeting with Hazard, Young & Attia which took place last Tuesday afternoon.

Public to Meet with Hazard Young Consultants Four Times

McLaughlin said the firm and the board set four public meetings at which the search firm consultants, Deborah Raizes and Dr. John Whritner would take the pulse of the White Plains public on their thoughts for a new superintendent

All four meetings will be held in one 5-day marathon from January 10 to 16 (2002), at the following times and locations:

Thursday evening, January 10 at 7:30 PM in the White Plains High School All-Purpose Room.

Friday morning, the next day, January 11 at 10 AM at Education House, Homeside Lane.

Sunday afternoon, January 13, at 12:30 PM at St. Bernard’s Church, Chapel Hall.

Wednesday evening, January 16 at 7 PM at Bethel Baptist Church.NOTE: The School Board has changed this date from originally the 15th the 16th of January.

Ms. McLaughlin said the two consultants would also be meeting with community groups individually to hear public opinion and comment on the needs, qualifications, and concerns of the city as they apply to creating the new Superintendent job profile.

In addition to the community-wide sessions, the search consultants will be meeting with groups of staff members, PTA representatives and others during the first two weeks of January.

Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates will report on their findings based on these profile sessions at a
public meeting of the Board of Education on Tuesday, January 29th at 7:30 P.M. at Education House.

Yanofsky Input Will Be Sought.

Ms. McLaughlin corrected an earlier report she gave WPCNR, saying that Dr. Saul Yanofsky’s input would be sought directly by the Hazard Young Search Team. “I did not realize that they interview the former superintendent as part of their search process,” Ms. McLaughlin said.

Advertising to begin in January.

The Board President outlined the timetable that the board and the consultants have developed at their Tuesday afternoon session.

“We hope to have the superintendent profile completed by the end of January, and begin advertising in Education Week with it at that time,” she said.

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Scarsdale, White Plains Have Fear of Mandatory F.A.R.’s

Hits: 79

Just as White Plains residents have balked at Department of Planning zoning recommendations for its Southend neighborhoods which would limit “MacMansions” and expansions, Scarsdale residents have rallied against its village Floor Area Ratios.
From WPCNR’s affiliate, Scarsdale Today, comes this report filed by Scarsdale beat reporter, Sean Cover:

At the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 27th, the Scarsdale Neighborhood Association of Presidents (S.N.A.P.) Committee on Bulk Housing submitted a report recommending very substantial changes in the Village’s Floor Area Ratio Cap and Bonus Program proposal which was created to regulate over-sized housing in the community.

Even though the Village revised its proposal on November 11th, S.N.A.P. found the flaws so serious it could not recommend the proposal or the Village’s proposed 90-Day Moratorium on construction.

Scarsdale Today readers will find links to download the S.N.A.P. report on the revised F.A.R. Cap proposal and its October 22nd report on the original proposal. The October 22 report includes a comparison of the FAR ordinance proposed for Scarsdale to the relevant codes of five neighboring communities that employ FAR-type requirements(Eastchester, Tuckahoe, the Village of Mamaroneck, the City of Rye, and Greenwich).

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