No Puff of Smoke from Michaelian Building on Playland-Standard Amusements Standoff. No Black Smoke either. They will meet again don’t know where or when.

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PLAYLAND: In Management limbo for 4 years. No reported progress. Photos WPCNR Exclusive  Archive

WPCNR PLAYLAND-GO-ROUND. Special to WPCNR. November 30, 2018:

WPCNR contacted the Westchester County Department of Communications today to ask about  the County Executive George Latimer’s long-awaited meeting with “principals” of Standard Amusements this morning.

Catherine Cioffi Director of Communications told WPCNR there would be “No statement.  It was a productive meeting and we are going to meet with them again in the near future.  Will let you know when there is more to say.”

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