Superintendent-Select Connors “brought a Lot of Joy to District” Says Sec

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WPCNR High Noon Herald. By John F. Bailey. April 17,2002. 12:45 PM EDT: The Danbury, Connecticut, community is “really distraught” on learning that Timothy Connors, their Superintendent of Schools for the last five years is leaving the district, reports Florence Modzelewski, his Secretary during his career there. Mr. Connors was announced yesterday as the White Plains City School District choice to take over the reins from Dr. Saul Yanofsky in July.
Contacted by WPCNR to arrange a television interview with Mr.Connors, Ms. Modzelewski just opened up in praise for her boss. She said, “I wish I could come on the show and cry with you. He’s brought a lot of joy to our district.”
Ms. Modzelewski, Mr. Connors’ Girl Friday since he arrived in the Danbury district told WPCNR, “We are absolutely sick here. There’s not a dry eye in the place. He is the most dynamic man I have ever met. (Mr. Connors) never has a bad day. When you meet him you’ll know the charisma.”

Asked about Mr. Connors contributions to the district, she told WPCNR, “He’s done a tremendous amount for this district,” which she attributes to his dynamic personality. “He’s a very happy person. He really cares about the kids. He visits a school every single day. The kids all know him and he knows them by name.”

Modzelewski reports, “We’re really distraught. We all thought he’d stay a few more years and retire from here. He’s a delight.”

Ms. Modzelewski said Connors introduced the concept of bringing a magnet school to the district, which has been approved and is being built. The magnet school “was the first thing he did,” she said. She said he supervised the renovation of the Danbury High School that is now in the process of construction.

Reporters love him, too.

Eileen FitzGerald, staff reporter of the Danbury News-Times told WPCNR Wednesday that Connors “is a reporter’s dream as far as being accessible and forthright. He makes sure his staff is available and cooperative with the press.”

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School District Selects Timothy Connors of Danbury for Superintendent of Schools

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WPCNR Midnight Extra. By John F. Bailey. Special to WPCNR from Michelle Schoenfeld. April 17, 2002. UPDATED 1:30 AM EDT: The White Plains City School District announced Tuesday the Board of Education and a City Screening Committee have selected Timothy P. Connors, 62, an educator of 36 years’ experience, and retiring Superintendent of the Danbury, Connecticut schools, as their “Finalist” to succeed Dr. Saul Yanofsky and run White Plains Schools.

THE MAN FROM DANBURY:Timothy Connors, Danbury Superintendent of Schools, coming to White Plains.
Photo by Tim Wheeler, Used with Permission, Courtesy of the Danbury News-Times(c)

Mr. Connors is reported by the Danbury News-Times to have reached verbal agreement with the White Plains City School District for a salary of $197,000 a year to succeed Yanofsky.

Described by Tony White, Night Editor of the Danbury News-Times as a “wizard with the public,” with a record of uplifting Danbury’s test scores on the Connecticut Mastery Tests, Connors is as beloved in the Danbury School District as Saul Yanofsky has been in White Plains.

According to the official news release from the School District, Mr. Connors will visit White Plains on Tuesday, April 23, to meet the staff. That evening, the public will have an opportunity to meet Mr. Connors at 8 PM in the Assembly Room at Education House.

“A Wizard with the Public”

According to Tony White, Night Editor of the Danbury News-Times, which broke the story of Mr.Connors resignation in Danbury and his going to White Plains, Connors’ “strong suit” is his “ability to charm the patrons.” White said Connors is leaving for White Plains for a salary of $197,000, which is $66,000 more than he is being paid now as Superintendent at Danbury ($131,000).

In a follow-up story, Ms. McLaughlin is reported as expecting Mr. Connors to sign a three year contract with White Plains.

Editor White reports to WPCNR that Connors sees coming to White Plains, in the editor’s words, “a challenge. It is a bigger budget and a bigger district, bigger salary.”

Connors cites need to “shore up” his retirement as reason for resigning

In the story reporting Mr. Connors announced retirement over the weekend from the Danbury district, News-Times reporter Eileen FitzGerald writes of the retirement vice that Mr. Connors was in. She reports Mr. Connors is the latest in the drain of topflight administrators from the Connecticut school system, who leave the system close to retirement because of the way their pension is computed.

In the Connecticut school system, she writes, a teacher working 35 years in the state, receives a “retirement package” worth 70% of the average of their three highest salaries. However, in Mr. Connors’ case this would be substantially less. Mr. Connors has worked in Connecticut as Superintendent of the Danbury schools for five years, and in Connecticut for an additional six years.

Connors is reported in the News-Times article as telling the Danbury Board of Education over the weekend that he made the decision to resign after analyzing his retirement package. He did not, according to the news report, appear to reveal he was leaving for a new position. The News-Times reports him as indicating his “options for his next move are open.”

Editor calls him “very good.”

Mr. White, the News-Times Night Editor, in an interview with WPCNR, described Mr. Connors as “very good at dealing with the city council which decides his budget,” and “a very capable guy,” not a “yes man,” who, Mr.White says, “will stand his ground,” but is also very “diplomatic, knowing when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.”

McLaughlin of White Plains says Connors will continue tradition

Donna O. McLaughlin, in the official news release of the White Plains City School Board, said that Mr. Connors has the experience and record of success the Board is seeking.

“The White Plains Schools have been blessed with outstanding leadership over the years,” McLaughlin said, in an official statement, “and we are confident that Mr. Connors will continue that tradition.”

McLaughlin is quoted by the News-Times last night as saying of Connors, “We’ve seen that he’s done a lot of terrific things for Danbury. We are looking for him to bring us to the next level.”

19 years’ Superintendent experience.

Mr. Connors, who is married and whose wife teaches in the Brookfield, Connecticut school system, has been a School Superintendent for 19 years in Bloomington, Minnesota (a district close to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul), and Woonsocket, Rhode Island, where he was named 1990 Rhode Island Superintendent of the Year. He presently is President of the Western Connecticut Superintendents’ Association, and the Connecticut Association of Urban Schools.

Danbury in arms over his loss

The city of Danbury appears to be going through the same shock White Plains experienced when our city first learned that Dr. Yanofsky’s contract would not be renewed last September.

Connors is described as a Superintendent enjoying the same popularity Dr. Saul Yanofsky has enjoyed in White Plains. Connors, like Yanofsky, is known by children throughout Danbury and in the classrooms as the superintendent, and they shout his name when they see him in parades and when he visits their classrooms.

“Man of Action.”

The former Chairman of the Danbury Board of Education who hired Connors five years ago, described Connors, in the News-Times as a man of action, and his experience is a striking parallel to Dr. Yanofsky’s last 4 years:

Danbury Voters passed two bond packages, paying for new roofs and boilers and a new science wing and track at the high school. Presently he has been honchoing plans for an elementary magnet school, funded by the state and a new elementary school.

Though White Plains enrollment is predicted to be stable for the next few years, three of its elementary schools are aging, and any increase in enrollment will need a new elementary school. Connors’ familiarity with problems White Plains is facing now and might face in the future appear to be a good fit.

Connors calls White Plains ‘a great opportunity’.

The News-Times in a report filed by Eileen FitzGerald last night quotes Mr. Connors as describing White Plains as “looking to make sure all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Professionally, it’s a great opportunity.”

Ms. FitzGerald also reports that the White Plains City School District will pay into Social Security, something that Connecticut does not pay educators. She reports Connors as saying “That’s a significant enhancement, and I will position myself better financially for retirement.” Connors is reportedly going to resign from his Danbury position April 24.

Achievement Gap Closer

In his five years with the Danbury schools, Mr. Connors is credited by Thomas Murphy, of the Connecticut Department of Education in Ms. FitzGerald’s article, as having been “doing good work around closing the achievement gap.” The Mayor of Danbury, Mark Boughton, who taught under Mr. Connors, said Connors made the School District working environment better and inspired teachers to become more enthusiastic.

Thirty-six years in education, with teaching experience.

Mr. Connors, reports the City School District, is a graduate of Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts, and has a Masters Degree and Certificate of Advanced Studies from Harvard. He was a participant in the Urban Superintendents Program at Harvard. Mr. Connors taught social studies, and as been a Superintendent of Schools for 19 years. He was Superintendent for 10 years in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 4 years in Bloomington, Minnesota, and 5 years in Danbury, Connecticut.

One of Two Finalists

The City School District, in their official announcement said that the search firm of Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates had considered candidates from nine states and Washington, D.C. After interviewing a short list of six candidates, the Board selected a final three candidates. They were then interviewed by a City Citizens’ Committee, made up of the presidents of the Civil Service, Teachers and Administrators and Supervisors Associations, a representative of the Superintendent’s Cabinet, the PTA and the community at large.

McLaughlin said she hoped many members of the community and the School District staff would come to the community forum on April 23. The District, in a statement, said that, if the site visit and contract formalities “go as anticipated” Mr. Connors will be Dr. Saul Yanofsky’s successor.

For the complete Danbury News-Times reports on Mr. Connors, WPCNR urges you to go to the News-Times website, at

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Across the Pacific: Buddhist Bishop Isao Ito of Shinnyo-En Honors City.

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WPCNR NewsReel, by John F. Bailey, April 16, 2002, 3:30 PM EST:The leading Buddhist Bishop Isao Ito of Shinnyo-En Foundation of Japan, addressed some 75 leading citizens of White Plains and city dignitaries Tuesday afternoon at the Annual Bridge of Friendship Celebration in the White Plains Public Library. He recognized the special relationship the White Plains Shinnyo-En Temple has with the city and the school district, and acknowledged how American response to the Trade Center Attack moved him to inspire his organization.
The Shinnyo-En Foundation at the bequest of the Temple, has contributed $5,000 to the White Plains Public Library and also supported the White Plains High School Leaders In Training Program over the last two years.

Photo by WPCNR

Buddhist Bishop Isao Ito, speaking through an interpreter, said he was greatly moved by the outpouring of American volunteers in the wake of the September 11 Trade Center Attack. He said their heroism lead him to direct Shinn-Yo En followers to follow the Americans’ example of volunteerism.

Visits Trade Center Site

He said he had visited Ground Zero Saturday to pay his respects and upon seeing the disaster site, “I made a firm resolve not to let this happen again, and as I did so, I looked up and saw a halo around the sun, very auspicious in Buddhism, reflecting the joy of Heaven.”

Photo by WPCNR

Mayor Joseph Delfino observed some personal thoughts today about his recent stay with the Shinn-Yo En organization in Japan, as Bishop Ito, front row, right, looked on,

“Shinn-Yo En exemplifies the kind of love and understanding we should teach our children about. Their philosophy is, at the end of each day, you have got to be very comfortable with what you’ve done.” The Mayor told the Bishop the Shinn-Yo En philosophy of “truthfulness and compassion in one’s life, being an active participant in the community was important not only to White Plains, but to the world.”

The Mayor mentioned Shinn-Yo En’s aid during the floods of 1984 in New York and New Jersey, the earthquakes in Armenia (1988) and San Francisco in 1989 as examples of their philosophy in action.

“We are honored to have the Shinn-Yo Temple in the City of White Plains. God must have sent them to our city.They are good neighbors, contributing to the quality of life on this planet. Every day of their life they’ve reached out and touched someone’s life.” The Mayor said.

Photo by WPCNR

Bishop Ito presented Dr. Yanofsky with a plaque commemorating the retiring Superintendent of School’s service to the Bridge of Friendship. The Bishop said he was saddened to learn of Yanofsky’s retirement, that he had contributed greatly to the spirit of the Bridge of Friendship and that Yanofsky had served with distinction for many years.

Yanofsky, in his remarks, said of the philosophy of Shinn-Yo En, “If there was a time when we need the principles of Shinn-Yo En it is right now, working to bring understanding and to bring people into harmony and tolerance to a very hostile world…At no other time is tolerance more needed, and respecting the ideas of different people and the plight of people suffering.”

Yanofsky said it was a goal of White Plains Schools to instill hopefully that spirit in White Plains children.

William Noll, a member of the Board of Directors of the Bridge of Friendship, who served as Master of Ceremonies, said he found the Bishop’s words very, very moving.

Sandy Miranda, the Director of the White Plains Public Library, said she was moved to be the “recipient of all this goodness.”

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Cappelli Begins City Center Closing. Fleet Bank GONE.

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WPCNR MIDNIGHT EXTRA. By John F. Bailey. UPDATED April 16, 2002 2:15 PM EDT: Paul Wood of the Mayor’s office confirmed to WPCNR that the Cappelli City Center closing was on the way. This was what City Budget Director Eileen Earl reported to the Common Council Monday evening, saying Cappelli Enterprises was to have begun its “closing” sequence on its long-delayed financing of the City Center Monday. Ms. Earl said she expected Cappelli to complete the approximately $280 Million-plus financing for the City Center by Friday of this week.

CITY CENTER SITE AT TWILIGHT MONDAY, viewed from City Hall, across Main Street, showing the demolished Fleet Bank ruins. The City Center site is now completely cleared and ready for a $280 Million cash transfusion.Photo by WPCNR

On Monday, the Fleet Bank branch on Main Street, the last standing building on the Cappelli City Center site, was demolished in less than an hour. Observers watched the demolition from the Mayor’s Office.

Mayor Delfino described it as “one big BOOM,” when the steam shovel began taking the bank down.

The mental health building was totally cleared from the site as of 2 PM Monday, too. At twilight, Monday evening the City Center site was totally cleared.

CITY CENTER SITE AWAITS ARMORED CAR CASH CONVOY: The Fleet Bank Building was pawed down by a hungry steam shovel in less than an hour Monday. The city closed two lanes of traffic on Main Street, while the “claw” did its work. This was the view from City Hall looking Southwest at sunset. Photo by WPCNR

The closing which was expected to take place last September 20, has been postponed to October, November 21, and January, but has apparently got under way at an undisclosed location.

Geoffrey Thompson, of Thompson & Bender, the Cappelli public relations firm returned a call to WPCNR earlier Monday, and said he was unable to confirm or deny that the closing was taking place or its location.

EARL UNLEASHED: Eileen Earl, City Budget Director, (shown passing out copies of her 2002-03 Budget Presentation), reported to the Common Council last night that she expects to bond $21 million of the $23 million the city will pay toward the Cappelli garage in May at the most favorable rates in two decades. $2 million will come from a grant by the Urban Renewal Agency. Photo by WPCNR

Earl: Cappelli financing for 4 floors, not 5

Ms. Earl was asked by Councilman William King how many floors of the City Center Mr. Cappelli was financing. She said it is her understanding “he’s working on the 4 because could not convince his financiers (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Fleet Bank), that he could lease out a fifth floor of retail.”

If Ms. Earl is correct on her 4 floors report, this would mean that the Cappelli vision to the Common Council of a luxury hotel is most likely still in play.

The Cappelli Countdown Continues

We will know soon. Mr. Cappelli has until May 20 to present to the council his plans for either a 4-floor or 5-floor City Center, based on the Council resolution made February 20 to allow him 90 days to either bring in a hotel or stay with a plan for a fifth floor of retail.

The endless bankroll about to be replenished.

As of last month, Mr. Cappelli, by his own statement, has been spending a million dollars a week, non-stop since demolition of the City Center site began last July 17 when a steam shovel poked a hole in the old Macy’s facade.

WPCNR estimates he has poured approximately $60 million of his own capital into the project, ($40 million since beginning demolition, plus $17 million for acquisition of the property), bringing his needs to borrow down to approximately $280 million.

City to bond the $23 million for the City Center Parking Garage in May.

The subject of the Cappelli money came up during Ms. Earl’s discussion of the $23 million the city will contribute towards the construction of the new City Center Parking Structure on Martine Avenue. Earl said the city would be bonding for $21 million of the $23 million in May, after the Cappelli organization has closed and received various tranfer papers and agreements from the city next week.

Earl said, in response to Benjamin Boykin, that the city would go to bond in a very favorable market. She said she expected to float the $21 million bond at about 5%. For a comparison, she said, the city bonded for $30 million to build the Galleria Parking garage in 1983 at a 9.5% rate, which the Parking Authority just finished paying off in December, 2001.

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Amy Paulin’s Albany: Economic Development Programs Vital to County, WP

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Amy Paulin’s Albany by Assembly woman Amy Paulin of the 88th. April 15, 2002. 4 PM EDT:Amy is back in Albany Monday and filed this report to WPCNR on the Assembly’s effort to support new small businesses in Westchester County and White Plains. Ms. Paulin writes exclusively for the CitzeNetReporter.

To reinvigorate our economy, we must make New York – and Westchester – a more affordable place to do business. That means providing the resources and support new businesses need to grow and create good-paying jobs for our working families.

Helping small businesses succeed

The importance of small businesses to our state economy is immeasurable – they make up nine out of every ten businesses in New York. The Assembly recognizes their crucial role by passing legislation to help them access capital, cut red tape and meet environmental standards.

Small businesses often face difficulties accessing much-needed funding for start-up and expansion goals. I supported the law that made permanent the Excelsior Linked Deposit Program, enabling small businesses to secure low-cost loans (Ch. 14 of 2001). This year, I want to take the next step and invest $100 million more in this important program.

To cut through the red tape that hinders small business in New York, I supported a measure that streamlines how the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) – in cooperation with the Empire State Development Corporation (ESD) – administers the state’s Regional Revolving Loan Trust Fund. The fund is a great source of capital for businesses, but giving greater local control to ESD’s eleven regional corporations will make the program more flexible and responsive to our small businesses.

And to help small business owners comply with state and federal environmental laws, I supported legislation requiring the state to help small businesses understand and meet environmental and pollution prevention standards (A.4169); and creating funding programs to purchase pollution control devices (A.2008c and A.606c).

Investing in high-tech industries and creating a skilled 21st century workforce

High-tech innovations have the potential to create countless jobs for our families. Small businesses are often the first to develop and promote new technology. To encourage high-tech job growth, I helped pass legislation (A.5172) that creates the Technology Innovation Partnership Investment Program to provide seed and start-up financing to small and medium-sized technology companies.

This legislation builds on my efforts to make our state a high-tech leader. Last year I passed the Assembly’s Jobs Agenda 2001 plan, which would invest in biomedical research and biotechnology development and create the Metropolitan Area Center of Excellence in Software Information Technology to promote collaboration between learning institutions and industry technology. Our proposal also invests in the Centers for Advanced Technology to help our businesses gain a technological edge. It also invests in many downstate medical facilities, such as the SUNY Downstate Medical Center Advanced Biotechnology Incubator Facility and New York University’s School of Medicine.

It is imperative to staff well-trained workers capable of meeting the ever-changing demands of the technology industry. That’s why I’m working to expand the Assembly’s Strategic Training Alliance Program, which links colleges and training providers with businesses. In addition, I helped secure $8.9 million for workforce retention and training for five local health care facilities.

Rebuilding Lower Manhattan

Many Westchester residents work in Lower Manhattan and rebuilding that area is vital to our own economic health. That’s why I helped create the Liberty Zone and Resurgence Zone – to save Lower Manhattan businesses $6 million in power costs (Ch.383 of 2001) and give New York City the ability to issue $2.5 billion in bonds to help reconstruct Lower Manhattan (Ch.297 of 2001).

Ongoing efforts to attract businesses and create jobs for working families

These measures are part of my continuing efforts to help boost our economy and make New York a better place to do business, including expanding the Power for Jobs program – which provides low energy costs for businesses that create jobs for hard-working New Yorkers.

I remain committed to building on this strong record and look forward to finding new, innovative ways to ensure the economic prosperity for Westchester businesses and families.

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National Honor Society Taps 59 Students.

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WPCNR NewsReel. Special to WPCNR from Michelle Schoenfeld.April 15, 2002.: Fifty-nine students were inducted into the National Honor Society of the White Plains High School in an April 10th ceremony. Eight seniors and 51 juniors joined the 63 current members of the organization which recognizes students who excel.
In order to qualify, students must have a cumulative weighted or
unweighted average of 3.75 in all credit-bearing subjects and be enrolled in at least one Honors or Regents class. In addition to
scholarship, students must meet the criteria of service, leadership and

Current Co- Presidents of the organization are Daniel McGrath and Linda Scalici. Other officers are Lucia Bonilla, Michelle Loayza and Benjamin Jurist.

High School Principal William N. Colavito was guest speaker at the
ceremony. Advisor to the group is teacher Ronald Palladino.

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WPCNR NewsReel. Special to WPCNR from Michelle Schoenfeld. April 15, 2002: Seventeen White Plains High School students were inducted into the National Art Honor Society in a ceremony last month. Selection is based on student portfolios and demonstration of
interest and commitment to the arts, as illustrated by coursework and
outside activities.

Students inducted were Iris Alatovic, Sasha Berger, Tidarut
Hansub-Udom, Steven Hernacki, Julie Horowitz, Amanda Judelson, Sam Kurnit, Daniel Mendelson, Cailin Micari, Ryan Monk, Kim Risotto, Mayra Rodriguez, Jennifer Russell, Jillian Salik, John Segal, Rachel von Glahn and Diana Whitaker.

Guest speaker at the ceremony was Marie McCann-Barab, former art
teacher at the High School. An exhibition of the students’ art work, including painting, photography, pottery, sculpture and jewelry followed.

Joanna Barnum is President of the Society and Mary Fennell is Faculty

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Opening Day In Pictures: Little League Parade Opens 2002 Season

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WPCNR PressboxApril 15, 2002 11:00 AM EDT: The National Pastime returned to White Plains Saturday. The White Plains Little League staged its annual Opening Day Parade Saturday with about 3,000 residents and players participating in the traditional march from Highlands Middle School to beautiful Gedney Field.

DOWN GEDNEY WAY THEY CAME: For 45 minutes approximately 1,000 Little League players, coaches and volunteers marched, team-by-team, down Gedney Way and into Gedney Field Saturday at the third annual Little League Parade for Opening Day of the 2002 seasons.

TALKING OLD TIME BALL: Mayor Joseph Delfino talks old time little league with players just prior to the start of Saturday’s Little League Parade mustering grounds at Highlands Middle School. The hundreds of players marched from Highlands to Gedney Way to the ballpark.

THE PEERLESS LEADER:Mayor Joseph Delfino leads the paraders down Gedney Way towards Gedney Field.

FIELD OF DREAMS: Players march into the Gedney Field outfield to the thundering cadence of the Thomas G. Slater Center Marching Band.

THE LITTLE GUYS MARCH IN: A great turnout, teams took 45 minutes march in to the little big league park on Gedney Way in a very professional, dignified manner, too.

A DAY FOR FATHERS AND SONS, MOMS AND DAUGHTERS: Father and son, The Joseph Nicolettis march into Gedney Field. Joseph “Bud” Nicoletti, Jr., Comissioner of Public Works, architect and supervising engineer who built Gedney Field, its spacious parking lot and immaculate new infield, is seen marching in with his father as part of the parade.

COMMON COUNCIL MARCHES IN: The Common Council, Right to Left, Rita Malmud, Benjamin Boykin, Jr., Robert Greer and Glen Hockley. (Mr. Roach was working the crowd), marching into Gedney Field Saturday.

MAYOR JOSEPH DELFINO DECLARES OPENING DAY HIS FAVORITE DAY: After leading the Parade into the field, “America’s Favorite Mayor,” Joseph Delfino addresses the crowd Saturday, reminiscing about the days when there was no little league and girls did not play, and how the league has grown to be a league which includes everyone where everyone plays.

The Mayor said that the Opening Day Parade was his favorite city event for the way it brings the entire community together. He thanked the volunteers who make the Little League possible, the Common Council and Commissioners Joe Davidson and new Commissioner of Recreation and Parks, Arne Abramowitz for their efforts in maintaining and building the fields. Mr. Abramowitz, welcomed the fans and players, (at the far right in the cap). In his remarks said that he always regretted he was not able to play on Opening Days when, as Administrator of Flushing Meadow Park, he supervised Opening Days at Shea Stadium. He said to the players you get to play on this Opening Day.

LEADER OF THE LITTLE LEAGUE: Rich Massaroni, President of White Plains Little League asked for a moment of silence to remember the victims of the World Trade Center Attack, and introduced the Board of Directors of the WPLL: Dave Corcoran, Joe Palatucci, Tom Gramolini, Pete Bassano, Billy Wooters, Tom Pasqua, Bob Eifler, Greg Prout, Mike Torrez, Jim Tobin, Lou Petralia, Bob Gelston, Todd Oronzio, Mike Leone, Ed Bruno, Al Orfe, Ken Frawley, Frank Rose, John Habermann, Gary Stenson, Bill Yanuck, Lisa Fee, Chet Gottshall, Steve Ryan, Kathy Zaccaria and Bill Ward.

Massaroni thanked them all for their volunteer efforts that have grown the Little League to what it is today. He thanked Candyce Corcoran for organizing and producing the Little League Parade for the third straight year.

CHANGING OF THE GUARD: Rich Massaroni, WPLL President with retiring Commissioner of Recreation and Parks, Joe Davidson prior to throwing out the first pitch. Davidson, in his short talk to the crowd, remembered when there was no little league when he became commissioner in 1979, and how the program had grown to include both boys and girls in his tenure.

THE CEREMONIAL FIRST PITCH: Who is that crafty, veteran righthander? Is it Walter Johnson? Is it Phil Niekro? It’s Joe Davidson throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at beautiful Gedney Field, prior to the Minor Girls Opening Day Game. The pitch was a strike!

During the game, the Official Caterers of the Little League, Outback Steakhouse, RC Cola and Sam’s of Gedney Way donated hamburgers and grilled chicken sandwiches and soda as a fundraiser for the Little League. Outback, serving thousands, ran out of hamburgers at about 1 PM.

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In White Plains

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A Support Group is forming for families who have lost a child of any age. Understanding, friendship and hope will be offered at the sessions, which meet on the first, Thursday of the month at 7 PM at White Plains Hospital’s Silberstein Pavilion, 4th Floor.

For more information, call 381-3389.

The group is being sponsored by The Compassionate Friends White Plains Chapter and the Westchester Self-Help Clearinghouse, a program of Westchester Jewish Community Services.

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Gedney and North Street Associations Stage NY Presbyterian Hospital Forum Wednes

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WPCNR Friday Getaway Gazette. Special to WPCNR. April 12, 2002, 9:30 PM EDT: The Gedney and North Street Civic Associations will host the public Wednesday evening, April 17 at Ridgeway School, for an advocacy and question and answer Forum on the New York Presbyterian Hospital plan before the Common Council to bring biotech labs and a proton beam accelerator cancer treat center to the White Plains campus.
The forum will present three points of view: Michael Graessle, former Commissioner of the Department of Planning, will speak on zoning and special permit issues, Thomas Whyatt, attorney, will speak for the Concerned Citizens for Open Space contingency on eminent domain among other topics, and Tim Sheehan, will speak on the hospital position in the matter. The New York Presbyterian Hospital declined to send a representative to the forum.

Sources promoting the forum say the public is not well-informed about the hospital plans, and hope many will come out to learn more about the project so they may take a position on the issue.

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