WPCNR Presents: The Superintendent Profile Developed by Hazard, Young Attea

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PM Extra Filed 2/4/02, 2:00 PM:The Board of Education has released to WPCNR the complete text of the Hazard Young Attea & Associates Superintendent Profile presented to the Board last week on January 29. WPCNR is pleased to present the report in its entirety.
Leadership Profile
White Plains Public Schools
White Plains, New York


This report represents the findings of the Leadership Profile Assessment conducted by the Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates, Ltd (HYA) for the White Plains Public Schools on January 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 17, 2002.

Upon appointment of the firm as consultants to the Board in its search for a new superintendent, an assessment instrument was prepared to structure data collected from Board designated individuals and groups. 658 people were interviewed by or had meetings with Deborah Raizes, Diana McCauley, Maria Cabral and John Whritner over the seven days the consultants were in the district.

In addition to individually interviewing board members and other central office personnel, the consultants met with teachers, union leaders, administrators, realtors, parents, students, support staff, and representatives of local government. Four community forums provided lively dialogue with members of the community. Meetings at Centro Hispano and Bethel Baptist attracted over 200 residents apiece. 179 completed questionnaires provided equally valuable information.

In developing the leadership profile, the consultants sought opinions,
recommendations and general comments with respect to the preferred candidate traits and qualifications as well as District strengths, issues and concerns. All of these are factors that could bear upon the future
leadership requirements and influence the selection criteria for the next superintendent of schools.

It was agreed at the outset that the consultants would report the findings to the Board in written and oral form enabling the Board to use the data as it proceeds to define the qualifications sought in the next superintendent.

At the interviews and meetings, the consultants noted that the Board was seeking the views of a wide range of people so that the Board could determine the leadership characteristics and selection criteria to be used in the search. The Board extended their invitation to these sessions to a far wider listing than has been the norm in other searches we have conducted. Given the large response to the questionnaire and the number we met with and interviewed, the consultants feel comfortable with their findings.

The assessment instrument and the interviews provide the framework for reporting views expressed to the consultants. To highlight broad themes within each topic, data was aggregated into response groups. Under the category “consistent” are comments heard frequently from most of the groups. Comments raised by only one or two groups are listed under the respective groups designated on the Leadership Profile Assessment Form: Board, administration, faculty, support staff, students, community, and parents. Under each of these groups, the comments heard or provided with some regularity are
listed alphabetically. It should be emphasized that the data are not a
scientific sampling nor should they necessarily be viewed as representing the majority opinion of a group.

Items are included if, in the consultants’ judgment, they were repeated
sufficiently often to warrant the Board’s attention.

We wish to express our appreciation to those with whom we met for their cordiality during our visit to the White Plains Public Schools. We
especially want to thank Michele Schoenfeld, the Clerk of the District and the Board, for her invaluable assistance in this project. We thank the Board of Education for expanding our opportunities beyond the norm enabling us to meet with large numbers in the community. Also, our thanks to the many respondents whose concern for the schools and commitment to educational excellence were evident as they provided us with their perspective on their community and their public schools.

Maria Cabral
Diana McCauley
Deborah Raizes
John A. Whritner
January 29, 2002

Strengths of the District

What do you consider to be the most significant strengths of the White
Plains Public Schools?

Breadth of course offerings, Dedicated staff, Diversity of the student body, Diversity within the community, extensive offerings for student enrichment and extra-curricular programs, Facilities, Long-standing community support for schools, Resources – human and financial

Staff development, Support Staff, Student assistance programs

School Choice, Community.

School Choice

Throughout this report, comments listed under “Consistent” were provided by most or all groups. The comments listed under the respective groups are in addition to those under “consistent.” Items are listed alphabetically.


What do you consider to be the most important issues or concerns facing the White Plains Public Schools?

Board of Education – Trust lacking because of non-renewal of current superintendent, Bright flight,
Diversity of student body, Meeting State standards with a changing student body, Non-English speaking population increasing – need for additional and more appropriate programs, Public relations, State testing – the pressure of and poor results.

Increasing expectations for all students

Morale, Staff turnover
Many new staff, Large number of new administrators

Support Staff
State & Federal mandates

New (to district) administrators

Low test scores, Parental involvement, Safety, Tenured staff – holding accountable


Guidance Department overloaded

What kind of administrative leadership should the next superintendent offer in terms of special expertise?

Board/Superintendent relations
Communicator – written and oral
Experience as a superintendent
Increasing test scores
Public relations
Working with a diverse student population

A proven track record
Choosing and mentoring administrators

Classroom experience

Experience as a teacher and administrator
Experience in a large, diverse district
Hold self and staff accountable
Knowledge of Spanish
Strong academic background – proven intelligence

Has a plan of action for improvement of the system

What kind of administrative style should the next superintendent offer?


Approachable/personable, Believes that all children can learn, Healer,
Listener, People person, Prefer that the candidate live in White Plains,
Visible, Visionary

Educational leader, Proven intelligence

Decisive, Team Builder

Believes education is more than testing, Child centered

Committed to academic excellence, Effective leader, Innovative

Appreciates diversity and understands different cultures, Courage of convictions, Love of kids – a student advocate, Politically savvy


The Board of Education of the White Plains Public Schools is to be
complimented for reaching out to the community and encouraging a widespread response to the Leadership Profile Assessment form and to attendance at various focus groups. Four consultants were in the district over parts or all of seven days. Interviews were held with individuals and large groups.

Four community forums were held at different times of the day and in
different venues. 658 members of the community and staff had their voices heard directly in this process. This is an extraordinary number of people who came forth to express their views. Frankly, in the four years that we have been doing searches in a variety of communities, this represents the largest overall turnout that we have witnessed.

This is a credit to the Board that enabled this number of meetings to be held and to the community for the way it responded. We also received 179 completed questionnaires which also is a relatively large number. Because of these numbers we have greater assurance in our report being reflective of large segments of the White Plains community.

The consultants were impressed by the knowledge of the schools and the passion for school success exhibited by those with whom we met. Many in the community are interested in bringing an outstanding educator to White Plains to succeed Dr. Yanofsky.

There were many strong points highlighted by those with whom we met and those who responded to the survey. There is pride in the community’s socio-economic and racial diversity and the success the schools have had with students of varying abilities and from various backgrounds. There has been tremendous community support for the schools through passage of annual budgets at very adequate levels and through passage of recent construction bonds. The facilities are viewed as being in good shape and meeting current codes and needs. The teaching and administrative staff are seen as exemplary. Much work has gone into recruiting and training staff and the results have shown. Staff have plentiful resources available to do their
job. There are extensive offerings available to students of varying
backgrounds and abilities and at all levels of the system. School Choice is an accepted part of the schools and we heard strong support for this program.

White Plains takes great pride in its schools and their long tradition of
success. The 6,700 students in the district have been the beneficiaries of strong community support over the years. The district has many of the issues created by a diverse student population but is almost unique in its ability to generate resources to respond to student needs and still maintain a relatively low tax base.

There are certainly many positives that make White Plains Public Schools very attractive for superintendent candidates. In looking to Issues and Concerns, the concern over the non-renewal of the current superintendent’s contract still looms large in many minds. However, it was not as great as we anticipated. There is still residual anger but also a general turning of the corner. People were, for the most part, able to concentrate on what we should be seeking in the new superintendent.

Diversity is recognized as a two-edged sword. Many parents move to White Plains believing the school population represents the “real world” their children will face as adults. However, this also increases demand for programs to meet the needs of “all” children. With over 36% of the student body Hispanic, there is a need for programs to quickly acclimate these students to the American language and culture. Likewise, there is a need for programming for the “average” and excelling students to hold onto parents and maintain racial balance. It came under many terms but the idea
of “bright flight” is a concern to many, particularly in light of White
Plains’ exemplary record at maintaining balance over many years.

Diversity is also a concern relating to testing. Many believe that given
the commitment of resources, test results should be better. There is a call for accountability, particularly given what some see as high teacher salaries in the district. Others counter that there is too much of a focus on testing and this sometimes interferes with worthwhile educational goals.

There is no doubt that these arguments will intensify as the Federal
government gets into testing and the stakes conceivably move higher and the time devoted to testing extends further.

Another consistent concern is the districts’ perceived failure to toot its
horn. There is a sense that many of the successes in the schools are not known because they are not told. Realtors were open in feeling that White Plains was losing the PR war to surrounding districts.

Another concern that surfaced among several groups was the large number of new teachers coming into the district due to new programs and retirements, and the significant number of administrators relatively new to the system.

All of the new players need mentoring and supervision so that the high
quality of education is maintained.

In looking at criteria, there is a majority sense that the new CEO of the
White Plains Public Schools should have successful experience as a
superintendent, preferably in a district with a diverse population. This
was an area of agreement between members of the Board and other respondent groups. In looking at expertise, as might be expected, people are looking for someone who can resolve conflict and is a communicator. They seek someone adept at public relations.

Interestingly, representatives from the faculty, the Board and the
community, spoke of the need for someone with classroom teaching experience.

These groups also highlighted intelligence and a strong academic background as preferences. Community members also want someone who will hold staff accountable.

In looking at style, respondents noted that they want someone who truly
believes that all children can learn. All groups are desirous of a healer
who can bring the community and the Board back together. There is great support for having an educational leader who listens to others, is
collaborative in style and is a “people person.” Community and staff are united in seeking someone who is visible in the schools and in the
community. All groups spoke of wanting someone who is approachable and personable and who can create a vision for the system and move everyone toward that vision.

A parent spoke of wanting someone who would serve as “a voice for the voiceless.” There needs to be a push for academic excellence. All groups are looking for leadership.

There is a preference that the new superintendent live in White Plains.

There is certainly pride in what has been accomplished in the schools of White Plains. The district has been blessed with educational leaders who have had longevity and leadership skills. Great strides have been made over the past few years and people feel good about how resources are being used.

However, there is also a realization that the perception of quality schools is a battle that must be continually fought.

It is the view of the consultants that the pride in past accomplishments is more than justified. Some members of staff and community feel wounded by the Board’s action but there is also a looking ahead to the kind of leadership the community needs as it enters a new era.

We wish to thank the Board, the staff, the students and all in White Plains who have been so open and helpful in their comments. We have a strong understanding of what is needed to move the schools forward. We will keep the Board of Education fully informed on our progress in finding your next superintendent and know that they will share this information with the general public as is appropriate while maintaining candidate confidentiality.

The White Plains Public Schools will offer any candidate many challenges and opportunities. We believe the successful candidate will find a community supportive of its schools and eager for educational improvement for the benefit of all of its children.

Deborah Raizes
For HYA – (Hazard Young Attea & Associates, Ltd. January 29, 2002

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CitizeNetReporter Introduces News Links

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In order to furnish readers with background information on our news stories, CNR introduces this week the concept of “NewsLinks” featuring websites of organizations, businesses, and institutions mentioned in WPCNR stories.

WPCNR has added 34 key links that will augment your knowledge about the movers and the shakers in the news, click on the blue White Plains Links button in the column on the left.

If you would like to add your site to the links just write WPCNR.

Under Media, you will be able to link to the Associated Press and United Press International news wires, the Nova Weather Service, Suburban Street, White Plains Watch, Westchester County Business Journal, the Journal News, News12.

Under Businesses, Hotels, you’ll go to key players on the White Plains scene like Cappelli Enterprises, JPI, LCOR and others.

Check “White Plains Links” daily. WPCNR will add links we believe are newsworthy.

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WPW Analyzes City Center Intrigue; Superintendent Search; School Testing

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White Plains Week Program Notes:The first show of the second year of White Plains Week brings you up to date on three newsfronts, including the City Center hotel possibilities at 7:30 PM Friday day evening on Public Access Channel 71.

The “Associated Press” of White Plains: Alex Philippidis, Editor of Westchester County Business Journal, Jim Benerofe, Editor of SuburbanStreet.com, and John Bailey, Executive Editor of White Plains CitizeNetReporter will be speculating and reporting on the latest on the Cappelli City Center which continues to be tweaked and adjusted by Mr. Cappelli.

The “Associated Press of White Plains:” L to R, Alex Philippidis, Host John Bailey, Jim Benerofe. The inquiring trio have just taped their 50th White Plains Week program which airs Friday evening at 7:30 PM.
Photo by Stephen Morton, Suburbanstreet.com

The three “News Brothers” will bring you up-to-date on the New York Presbyterian Hospital (complete with exclusive photos of the proposed sites).

Also on the program will be coverage of the superintendent search in the school district, the high stakes testing attitude in White Plains, the confusion over astro-turfing the Eastview school fields, and the turmoil at the BID.

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Parents Meet Tuesday to Organize Platform and Candidates for School Board

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Midnight News Roundup Filed 02/04/02 12:15 AM: A Citizen’s Committee is calling a meeting at the YWCA on North Street Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM to identify issues facing the White Plains Schools and to seek candidates to challenge for the two school board seats up for election this May.
According to Steven Rabinowitz, a concerned parent, the meeting is being held because he and a number of parents feel the present Board of Education has been “non-responsive” to the community.

Mr. Rabinowitz’s letter to parents calling the meeting keynotes the meeting purpose:

“In the light of recent events with regard to the dismissal of Dr. Yanofsky, it has become clear to many of us that the current Board is both non-responsive to the wishes of the community and does not adequately represent the diversity that is White Plains. Accordingly, a number of us will be meeting to come up with a platform and program for the upcoming Board elections, and a process for identifying candidates who would be willing to run on that platform.”

The group will meet in Room 218-221 on the side entrance of the YWCA at 515 North Street Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM.

The terms of Stephen Sules and Larry Geiger are up this May.

Come help us develop a program and a vision for quality education, diversity
and accountablity on the Board.

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White Plains High Students Excell at Education Clubs Competition

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Sunday News filed by Michelle Schoenfeld 02/02/02 10:30 AM EST:Fifteen students in the White Plains High School Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) received awards at the Regional Competition in Kingston on January 10th.
First place trophies went to Josh Wagner and Adam Kroetsch for
Travel and Tourism; Evan Eckfeld and Paul Sass for E-Commerce; Aurey Kaufman for Introduction to Occupations; and Edden Friedman for Marketing Math.

Second place winners were Desiree Schwartz and
Allyson Winston for Apparel and Accessories; Tom Sommer for Food Marketing; Adam Reiss for Marketing Management; Spencer Waldorf for Retail Merchandising; and Matt Bruno for Business and Marketing Law.

Winning third place trophies were David Schindelheim for Vehicles and
Petroleum Marketing; and Adam Rotberg and Jay Greenbaum for Sports and Entertainment.

All 24 of the White Plains competitors have qualified for the New York State DECA Conference in Rochester in March. Edie Rennwantz is advisor to the group.

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King Komments: I’m Not Voting for Waller-Maple Parking Garage

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Councilman William King Komments Filed 02/02/02 10:00 AM:William King’s latest commentary on goings-on around White Plains takes city to task on the parking double-deck plan and raises his concerns about spending allocations.
I’m voting against the double-decking of the Waller Maple Parking Lot that’s in the Council agenda package for Monday and Tuesday’s meetings.

I won’t vote for it on Tuesday. I feel $75K is another waste of public funds.

We should be using funds like this toward the astroturfing of Eastview playfield(s).

If we had not spent the $300K pursuing, and ultimately giving up on, the Ian Behar suit, which I voted against twice, and if we turned off some of our streetlights (turning off up to half would have saved us $375K this past year), we would have had enough for the astroturf.

When you waste money, it could actually be used for something else. I am reminded also that the cost overruns on the public works garage were close to $1M, ($1.2MM) weren’t they? Where are our priorities – just for more parking garages?

I think also we have an expensive City Hall renovation/expansion project coming to the end of final design soon that will be a stretch for us on top of the $23m we are plunking into a now oversized City Center garage.

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Officers Named for St. Patrick’s Day Parade

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The Sunday News 02/02/02, 10:00 AM ESTInstallation of White Plains 5th Annual St.patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshall will formally take place at Dooley Mac’s, Tuesday Feb 12th at 6:30.
John Martin, the former Councilperson has been named this year’s Grand Marshall. His aides are Marie Byrne, Patricia Douglass , Betty Foster, Mary Harnett, William Flooks, Rev John F. Quinn, Patrick Smith, and Mike O’Donnell.

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Cappelli Hedges Hotel Bid. Urban Renewal Agency Has No Problem With That.

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Saturday Night News, Filed 02-02-02, 10:00 PM EST: In a hastily arranged meeting with the Urban Renewal Agency Friday, Cappelli Enterprises reserved the possibility of building a 5-floor City Center, while still keeping in play a 4-floor City Center with a Ritz-Carlton Hotel, pending whether or not Louis Cappelli strikes a deal with the Ritz.
In what the Mayor’s office characterized as simply a matter of bookkeeping with the Urban Renewal Agency, the 3-person URA passed without comment a provision in the Land Disposition Agreement with Cappelli Enterprises Friday morning.

Keeps Open Cappelli Ability to Build a 5-Floor City Center Without New Paperwork.

The provision inserted in the Land Disposition Agreement allows Mr. Cappelli to return to the original 5-floor configuration, should the hotel design collaborations and, presumably, negotiations do not result in a luxury 5-star hotel for the City Center and South residential spire.

George Gretsas, the Mayor’s Executive Officer, said that the provision simply allows Mr. Cappelli to not have to resubmit all the legal paper work to submit a new LDA if he returns to five-floors.

Gretsas Makes Sense of It All.

Gretsas downplayed reading anything of great significance or precedence in the maneuver because, as Gretsas put it, “It’s not really a big deal. The LDA documents basically memorialize the agreement between the city and Cappelli Engerprises. The Common Council will determine whether it’s (the reduction of the number of floors) is a minor site amendment.”

Gretsas said that the Council may make that determination Monday, or within the next 30 days, or the next council which is Tuesday. On Monday evening’s agenda the Council will consider Information Item 32, Commissioner of Building Mike Gismondi’s letter declaring the Cappelli-requested City Center floor excision as a minor site plan amendent. Because the hotel plan, affects the residential portion of the project, not the retai, it would be presented separately by Cappelli to the Common Council, as an amended site plan.

Malmud: Sears possibility played into Cappelli request.

According to Councilperson Rita Malmud, speaking to WPCNR Friday afternoon, the circumstances around yesterday’s meeting arose Thursday evening when Cappelli Enterprises contacted city hall. Malmud said they asked if they could make the alteration in the LDA agreement preserving the ability to build five floors.

Malmud said the Cappelli organization indicated that Sears “has not signed on the dotted line” to bring their Great Indoor Store to City Center. She said that Cappelli Enterprises now reported Thursday and Friday that the new Sears Chief Executive Officer has expressed renewed interest in the project.

Previously, it had been rumored extensively in real estate circles, that the Sears organization had become cool to participation in the City Center and was withdrawing. Malmud also said that the previous Sears CEO, according to her information had set a moratorium on new commitments, now apparently being reconsidered by the new Sears CEO, Allan J. Lacy, who was promoted to CEO in December, 2000.

Friday, Ms. Malmud confirmed that Sears is now interested again, and Mr. Cappelli is still interested in Sears. However, to accommodate Sears, the hotel would have to go elsewhere, and Mr. Cappelli would need all five floors.

According to Malmud, Cappelli Enterprises sought a way to remain at five floors if Sears came through, preserving his 120,000 feet of retail. However, if he was locked into a four-floor building, he could not accommodate Sears. Consequently, Malmud says, Mr. Cappelli wanted to keep both options open.

Bank concern over scaling down the retail without a hotel committed.

Ms. Malmud added that it was her understanding Mr. Cappelli’s bank (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) was concerned that so much of the retail was being eliminated from the project. She said this concern was part of Cappelli’s request to not throw out the fifth floor option permanently. Mr. Cappelli latest date for closing on his financing is February 10.

Spokesman confirms Malmud analysis

Geoffrey Thompson, spokesman for Cappelli Enterprises said that the organization LDA request “preserves its flexibility,” and that was all that was sought. Thompson stated the Ritz Carlton project was still in play, that designs for the Ritz Carlton project were in progress. Asked if Mr. Cappelli was envisioning the Ritz-Carlton for another part of the complex or another parcel in the downtowm, Thompson said he had “no comment” on that.

The Cappelli request for a minor site plan amendment eliminating one floor from the project was first presented January 22, when he disclosed the Ritz-Carlton was interested in securing part of the City Center for one of their luxury hotels.

Things are looking up for Sears

The PR newswire reports that Sears is undertaking a national rebuilding program. Sears itself reports on its website that fourth quarter earnings per share were up 11%. CEO Lacy predicts earnings per share will be up 13% to 15% in 2002.

The company is remodeling 50 stores nationally by the end of the year, as part of an initiative to “revitalize its full-line stores, creating an improved, more convenient shopping experience for its customers while operating with greater efficiency.”

“We think customers will like the new look and feel of shopping at Sears,” said Sears Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Alan J. Lacy. “Our stores will be easier to shop and the merchandise more appealing. We’ll emphasize better classic apparel while highlighting our strong appliance, electronics and home improvement merchandise,” Lacy concluded.

New looks planned. Part of 4-year plan.

Of the 15 new stores on target for 2002, seven are relocations at present locations. All will offer easy-to-shop layouts, with centralized checkouts and simplified signage and fixtures.

Throughout 2002 Sears plans facelifts of 50 stores. They are “the first wave” in a four-year remodeling program during which approximately 600 of Sears’ largest stores will be updated to incorporate many features of the new stores. The remodelings begin in April.

Information on Sears appears on the Sears website, www.sears.com.

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“Friendly Gathering” To Gather March 9

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Saturday Matinee News:The 2002 “Friendly Gathering,” the community St. Patrick’s Day extravaganza begun by former Councilperson Dennis Power will take place Saturday, March 9 at Kearney Gymnasium on Good Counsel Campus. This year the Honoree and recipientof the Msgnr. Ed O’Brien Community Service Award is former Councilman Frank McMahon, of McMahon Funeral Homes.
Reservations for the Gathering at $30 per person ($35 at the door) can be obtained by sending your check to Dorothy Schere, Friendly Gathering, Inc., 14 Winslow Road, White Plains, NY 10606.

Revelers will dine on corned beef, cabbage and potatoes, Irish soda bread. Beer, wine and soda are available at a cash bar.

Proceeds will benefit Grace Church Daycare, The Rainbow Connection Program at Good Counsel and Centro Hispano.

Since 1988, the Friendly Gathering has raised over $110,000 to supporty local community programs.

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Hockley Appeals Election Case to Court of Appeals

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Morning Edition Filed 2-2-02, 10:00 EST: Glen Hockley has filed a Motion for Leave to the New York State Court of Appeals, with a Show Cause Order to have the state’s highest court review the Appellate Court decision ordering a new election citywide in White Plains.
According to Jeffrey Binder, attorney for Larry Delgado, the Hockley appeal was filed late Thursday afternoon, and Delgado’s attorneys are preparing their “answering papers,” expecting to have them in on Tuesday, February 5.

No oral arguments, Unless Requested.

Binder told WPCNR Saturday morning there would be nor oral argument in the case unless the Court of Appeals requested it. He said the judges would most likely decide the matter strictly on the court papers, however the seven Court of Appeals judges could bring in the attorneys for both sides for a hearing.

First, the Appeals Judges Have to Agree to Review

Binder said that Hockley’s attorney, Adam Bradley had expedited the matter by filing a show cause order, and having it signed by a Court of Appeals judge. Consequently, he expected the court to decide within a week whether or not the case would be taken up.

The decision to take the case higher makes the February 7 court appearance date set by Judge Francis Nicolai to determine a date for citywide election unlikely.

Binder said the Court of Appeals had to first decide to review the case, and then they would take up the matter.

Procedure, Procedure, Procedure.

Mr. Hockley is appealing the case on the grounds that court procedural protocols (specifically not filing for a new index number after animpounding order), were not followed by the Larry Delgado legal team in impounding the election machine in District 18 last November.

It has been the Hockley contention all along that the results in District 18 should be allowed to stand, making him the winner of the third Common Council and the case thrown out, despite the fact that the voting machine jammed on the Delgado line, clearly costing him votes.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hockley , while asking the court to deny a new election the purpose of which is to count that lost vote, has been reported allegedly “campaigning” around the city of White Plains appearing at public gatherings.

Was Delgado on the way to a win, or did Hockley pull it out in District 18?

As election polls rolled in on Election night, Delgado had trailed most of the evening, and took the lead over Hockley with only District 18 to go. Delgado’s supporters were confident that Mr. Delgado would do well in District 18, it being a strong Republican district in the past, despite being Tom Roach’s home district (Democrat candidate and certified elected councilperson). However, a strange result was reported, Delgado received only 47 votes in District 18 more than 100 votes behind his Republican co-candidates, Bob Tuck and Mike Amodio.

If the canvas results of election night (including the results of District 18 as recorded on Election Day), are allowed to stand by the Court of Appeals, Hockley wins the election, 6,140 votes to 6,093.

The Republicans felt something was wrong here. And there was. They asked that the voting machine be impounded early Wednesday morning after election night.

The voting machine in District 18, was determined to be jammed by Judge Francis Nicolai’s inquiry in December. The counter jam cost Larry Delgado approximately 100 votes he figures based on how the Republican Ticket had run citywide.

Mr. Delgado was leading Mr. Hockley going into District 18, 6,046 votes to 5,995 votes. It is the contention of the Delgado camp that Delgado would have taken District 18, beating Hockley by over 50 votes, had the voting machine not jammed on his line.

Will the Court of Appeals review the case?

According to John Ciampoli, Mr. Delgado’s other attorney, election cases did not fare well in the eyes of the Court of Appeals last year. He said in late January that the Court of Appeals received 50 cases involving elections last year and only decided to hear two.

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