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Dear neighbor,
I hope you had a great May and are
Imageenjoying the warmer weather as summer begins. My team and I have continued assisting our neighbors, advocating for the district in Congress, and spending time in our community.
This month I was proud to celebrate the $1.6 million in community project funding I secured for the Youth Shelter Program of Westchester and their YouthHeal Initiative. The funding will be used to pilot a mental
 health and educational support program for 150 at-risk 18 to 24-year-olds in Mount Vernon. They will provide behavioral health support, vocational and educational support, and training on trauma-informed behavioral healthcare. I am so proud of the work the Youth Shelter Program of Westchester carries out and am grateful I can support their essential work on the federal level.

I additionally had the opportunity to visit Safe Place 4 Our Girls, a project created through the Mount Vernon Youth Bureau with $999,000 in federal funding I brought in last year. The program provides support and development activities for girls between the ages of 10 and 21 to promote healthy social, mental, academic, and physical well-being. It was an honor to meet so many of the young women who have benefitted from the program so far, and I’m excited to see it continue to expand and serve as a positive force in Mount Vernon.

As we look ahead to the next year, I announced $36.6 million in funding requests for community projects across the district. This included safety improvements for Mamaroneck and Tarrytown, environmental infrastructure for Yonkers and Hastings-on-Hudson, and affordable housing improvements in New Rochelle along with 10 other projects. You can read more about each request here .

ImageI was also grateful to be able to speak with so many of you this month as I was out in our community. I joined a memorial in Mamaroneck to commemorate the lives of members of our community who have lost their lives to the COVID-19 pandemic. As Americans continue to be infected and others live with the lingering effects of Long COVID, we must strengthen our healthcare system, fight for Medicare for All,  and research the effects of COVID to save lives.

Mamaroneck’s First Baptist Church celebrated their 100th anniversary, and I had the honor of presenting them with a Congressional proclamation to honor the occasion. Serving as a source of community, charity, and spirituality for community members for a century is a monumental achievement, and I’m honored to have celebrated with them.

Over Memorial Day weekend, I had the opportunity to be out in the community to honor the courageous people who sacrificed their lives for our country. We must continue to grieve with the loved ones they left behind and hold the memories of our departed service members close in our hearts. I hope we can commit to honoring our departed service members by prioritizing peace and diplomacy to stop the cycle of never-ending wars.

On June 13, my team will host a workshop on federal grants that are available for Houses of Worship and faith-based organizations. The meeting is intended to provide information about the grants process, what grants are available, and information on applying. The workshop will take place at 10 am on June 13 at Calvary Baptist Church, 32 W Post Rd., White Plains. Please RSVP by emailing Quantel.Bazemore@mail.house.gov and we hope to see you there!


Some of the work I am proudest of is being able to provide direct assistance to members of our community who are facing unique challenges and need help in dealing with federal agencies. Our team went out into the community and set up mobile constituent services in the Bronx this month. Helping our neighbors with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services inquiries, passport issues, post office delays, and concerns with the IRS is a crucial part of my office’s work, and making this assistance accessible to all continues to be a priority for myself and my team. My team and I will continue mobile constituent services , and we may be visiting your neighborhood soon! If you need assistance with a federal agency, you can find us at an upcoming mobile constituent services event, email bowman.casework@mail.house.gov , or call our office at the numbers below.
Stay tuned for future updates from my team and me on the work we’re doing for our community!
Peace and love,

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